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News - Reviews

20 November, 2001
U2 reassert themselves as rock and roll contenders, writes Kim Johnson in the Daily Californian, and prove that, they remain a Band That Matters.
15 November, 2001
U2 proves why it is the greatest rock band of its time, reports Troy J Augusto of Variety.
15 November, 2001
U2 proves why it is the greatest rock band of its time, reports Troy J Augusto of Variety.
14 November, 2001
"U2's hits, recharged with Bono's sincerity, powerfully resonate with new meaning in the post-Sept. 11 world, writes Robert Hilburn of the Los Angeles Times.
14 November, 2001
"U2's hits, recharged with Bono's sincerity, powerfully resonate with new meaning in the post-Sept. 11 world, writes Robert Hilburn of ...
09 November, 2001
The most successful tour of 2001 returned to the Pepsi Center on Wednesday night writes G. Brown of the Denver Post.
29 October, 2001
Garbage singer Shirley Manson is enjoying touring with U2, judging by her online diary.
29 October, 2001
U2 provided New York fans with something that could not be summed up in a slogan, writes Isaac Guzman, of the New York Daily News.
29 October, 2001
As U2's Elevation Tour returns to America, the last rock star may have finally found what he's looking for, reports Andrew Essex in a Details Magazine cover story.
26 October, 2001
'I went to see U2 again tonight. Boy are they good in concert.'
26 October, 2001
'I went to see U2 again tonight. Boy are they good in concert.' Moby has been to see U2 in New York.
18 October, 2001
Bono has a unique knack of interacting with his audience, writes Mary Houlihan of the Chicago Sun Times.
17 October, 2001
U2 still providing rockingly spiritual balm for the masses, writes Greg Kot of the Chicago Tribune.
17 October, 2001
U2 still providing rockingly spiritual balm for the masses, writes Greg Kot of the Chicago Tribune
15 October, 2001
Strip away the spectacle that has been U2's mode of entertainment for the past decade and what do you have left asks Ian Nathanson of the Ottawa Sun.
15 October, 2001
Strip away the spectacle that has been U2's mode of entertainment for the past decade and what do you have ...
15 October, 2001
Having seen the Irish superstars four times this year, writes Jane Stevenson of the Toronto Sun, I'm happy to report ...
03 September, 2001
Bono thanked the Irish soccer team for being 'the greatest support act we could have had', writes Mary Minihan.
03 September, 2001
The world's greatest rock band rolled back the years at Slane Castle on Saturday night, writes John O'Mahony.
03 September, 2001
The world's greatest rock band rolled back the years at Slane Castle on Saturday night, writes John O'Mahony.
03 September, 2001
Bono thanked the Irish soccer team for being 'the greatest support act we could have had', writes Mary Minihan.
28 August, 2001
Kings of the castle claim their throne after 20 years reports Niamh Hooper of the Irish Independent.
28 August, 2001
More than 80,000 fans reluctantly left Slane Castle on Saturday night after witnessing a U2 concert that confirmed the band's status as the one of the biggest rock acts in the world, writes Seán McCárthaigh - Irish Examiner
28 August, 2001
It may be their reaction to the current Glasgow climate, but U2's Elevation tour sees them on an ambitious mission.. - Glasgow Herald
28 August, 2001
The atmosphere sharpens, the chattering stops, everyone's eyes are fixed to the stage, writes BBC News Online's Deirdre Kelly.