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News - Reviews

01 December, 1984
This album features some stunning rock and evokes a haunting mood while leaving the spirit neither fed nor abused...
01 December, 1984
Who needs to make good LPs when you're this popular? U2 rank as one of the world's top bands but their albums are all pretty smelly...
30 September, 1984
The Unforgettable Fire has a lot to live up to - and it's this listener's verdict that it does so, unequivocally...
30 September, 1984
Blessed are the music makers: a truly unique guitarist, a fiery vocalist, and a rhythm section that can do just ...
30 September, 1984
This is not a 'bad' album, but neither is it the irrefutable beauty the band's fans anticipated...
31 October, 1983
An album of confident excitement, the work of a band completely secure about their powers... Bill Graham reviews Under A Blood Red Sky
31 October, 1983
Stairway to Heaven for smart people-even if it is played a tad too fast-and it kicks Under a Blood Red Sky over the rainbow...
31 October, 1983
A kind of grace through simplicity...
31 January, 1983
This is U2's most developed and mature album both lyrically and musically...
31 January, 1983
In spite of itself War is another example of rock music's impotence and decay...
31 January, 1983
'Complementing U2's lyrical growth is a newly developed dark sense of humour, which the band uses to striking effect throughout ...
31 October, 1981
U2's contribution to the progress of rock is that they've divorced guitar heroics from the idea of a dazzling guitar hero.
30 September, 1981
October is a musical and spiritual growth for U-2, a passionate and moving LP for me.
30 September, 1981
U2 will endure. October hits that home magnificently. It's just how they will endure that'll trouble us come U2 '3' or '4'.
30 September, 1981
U2, I guess, will continue to "move" in live performance, just like James Brown. But they will only move on the lightest surface.
30 September, 1981
'Needs time to work its way into your heart...'

'It's not a fashionable record either, because it needs time to work ...
25 October, 1980
As is common with most debut LPs these days, 'Boy' is a compilation of life-time best. (Hopefully a beginning. U2 have a long way to grow.)
10 October, 1980
I wouldn't worry about U-2 selling out because I know they will
04 October, 1980
U2 take us over the top
30 September, 1980
The sheer exuberance that redeems these 11 songs is admirably fresh...
Boo Browning in The Washington Post
30 September, 1980
With a deep, rich production U2 makes music which is hypnotic in its swirling images and textures...