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News - Elevation Tour

16 May, 2001
Edge talks to Alan Niester of the Toronto Globe and Mail ahead of U2's Canadian shows.
16 May, 2001
Edge talks to Alan Niester of the Toronto Globe and Mail ahead of U2's Canadian shows.

It was December of 1980. ...
15 May, 2001
Could this be the start of a trend ? A female fan is wearing an 'Edge Girl' slogan on her t-shirt tonight. A sign from another fan reads, Larry Rocks.
15 May, 2001
U2 show is now closer in spirit to their earliest club gigs than any shows in a decade writes Greg Kot of the Chicago Tribune...
15 May, 2001
U2 show is now closer in spirit to their earliest club gigs than any shows in a decade writes Greg ...
14 May, 2001
It's really hard to find a rock band. You can't make them. You have to grow them. Chicago Tribune interview with Edge and Bono.
14 May, 2001
Robert K. Elder, of the Chicago Tribune, reports on how 'Varied causes forge bond among fans at U2's Chicago concert'

At ...
13 May, 2001
Okay, we don't normally report on two shows together but we're a little stretched right now with four shows in one city in a week. Bear with us and Chicago 3 and Chicago 4 will have their own separate reports.
13 May, 2001
'Traditionally, politicians and rock stars are like oil and water', writes Mark Guarino, Daily Herald Music Critic. 'But there was ...
09 May, 2001
Irish rockers touch all bases of 20-year career in tour stop at Nationwide Arena in Columbus reports Carol Simmons of the Dayton Daily News
08 May, 2001
U2 bandmates eschewed spectacle for solid musicianship last night at Nationwide Arena reports Aaron Beck of The Columbus Dispatch.
08 May, 2001
Jim Derogatis, pop music critic of The Chicago sun-Times, talks to Edge  ahead of the band's Chicago dates later this ...
07 May, 2001
Twenty four shows into the North American leg of Elevation 2001 and U2 played Columbus, Ohio tonight. And, before the anticipation becomes all too much, let's cut to the chase - Edge wore his No. 3 t-shirt.
06 May, 2001
Tonight MacPhisto is here. Not on stage, but in the audience. Irish flags are everywhere of course, and the signs from fans are multiplying exponentially.
04 May, 2001
Edge is wearing his No.23 shirt, the day ahead of The Kentucky Derby which explains why Bono introduces Kite by asking, 'What's going on?
03 May, 2001
The movie Million Dollar Hotel, based on a story by Bono, visits Lexington, KY, tonight (Friday) and Saturday.

The critically acclaimed ...
01 May, 2001
A Bluffers Guide to U2 in Minneapolis in 2001
30 April, 2001
Elevation indeed, writes Darryl Morden, as a music-focussed U2 lifted spirits high and wide in Los Angeles.
27 April, 2001
To mark U2's concert in the city next week, Cleveland College Radio are hosting Beautiful Day 2001 - the U2 Marathon.
26 April, 2001
The Third Los Angeles Concert - Your Questions Answered
25 April, 2001
U2 have gone from 'struggling infancy to ranking in rock history along such greats as the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and the Who' writes Robert Hilburn, Pop Music Critic of the LA Times.
24 April, 2001
How must Bono feel ? To be giving his all on stage, night after night, and then to be confronted with a sign from a fan that reads, 'Dear Bono, I Love Larry.'
24 April, 2001
'In the end music is a kind of sacrament; it's not just about airplay or chart positions.'
23 April, 2001
'This,' says Robbie Williams, one of a limo-load of famous names watching tonight's first show in Los Angeles, 'is really inspirational'.