Birthday Greetings

10 May 2010373
It was fifty years ago today, 10th May 1960, that Iris and Robert Hewson presented a son to the world. Happy Birthday Bono.

Leave your own birthday greetings to your favourite lead singer below.
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Happy B-day
Happy Birhday Bono. Every one in michigan is hopeing you well feel beter.
Bono. Happy birthday. My birthday is 10 May too. I have all your discs. I like help other people and I participated in many activities to help others. I wait one day talk with you about my proyects in past and future.
Wishing you 50 more years of Peace, Joy,
Happy Birthyear Bono. Enjoy every moment. You were missed from the stage in Glastonbury. Muse did well but, only you and U2 can deliver! Thank you for your article in the NYT, so heartfelt and moving. Rest well, there are so many of us looking forward to seeing you back where you belong. Slainte.
you were born to sing for me
I can't explain the chills and the inspiration i get when I hear you sing. I am a Salt Lake City girl and was so excited to have you here. You will be worth the wait, and I hope your back is stronger than it was before. Happy Birthday.
to the youngest 50year old
Your first cry was a joyful noise to your parents, and I am so grateful for that beautiful noise that comes from your soul. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world and may your next 50 years( or more) on this earth bring you all of Gods greatest gifts. Happy Birthday to my greatest inspiration. You've taught me compassion, longevity, and to never give up. I wish you a successful recovery and will wait as long as it takes to see you sing live again. Love Tara
Best wishes from Brazil
Get well soon Bono!!! We love you!!! And come back here again soon! Kissesssss
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday and get well soon Bono! I know what it's like to have lower spinal surgery. Get well soon! Holly Fallon
Best wishes from Montreal
We were anxiously waiting for July 16, so sorry to here the news. But the main thing is that you heal well and completely. At this tender age (being the same, I can permit myself to say that), it's important to take the time you need. So best wishes to you for a full recovery and it will be just that more exciting when U2 does come down to our wonderful Montreal!
Happiest of Birthdays, Bono! What a milestone and what a difference you make in the lives of so many - so much more than a rock star! We have grown up together; I became a fan during college - 1984. My first U2 concert was Lexington, Kentucky: October 1987. It was only because of pregnancy bedrest that I've missed a tour since. For me, seeing U2 live is a religious experience. So, please rest, recover and RETURN. Your music makes my heart sing and your ideology awakens my compassion. With love, Stephanie
ole buns
Well Wishes
Get well soon Bono. My prayers are with you at this time and man rest up. Hope to see you on the road again soon. Much Love to you and the band and your family. Pauline Brooks, Northampton
hope you get well soon, it scared me when i heard you were hurt. I love the sound of your voice. Have a very happy belated birthday. I turned 49 on May 15th scared of 50. Get well soon please. Love ya your fan forever Karen Dillon Las Vegas NV
God bless you
Looking forward to seeing you in Turin, with love!
Bon rétablissement
tous mes voeux de rétablissement et bon courage a toi,Bono pour nous revenir au mieux de ta forme pour le U2 360 Tour
Best Wishes
Have a great and complete recovery. My best wishes for you, Bono. Here in Brazil, we're waiting for all of you soon. Regards, Regis
Yo Bono !!!
Feel better brother, health comes first! I will look forwqard to seeing and hearing you and the "Engine Room" next time at the new Meadowlands super stadium. Have always loved the work you guys done since the eaarly days. HAPPY five-O and the best to you and your family and the guys as well! Dave Kuzmier
happy belated birthday...
and, God bless you, Bono as you recover from your surgery. We will miss you and the guys this tour but will be waiting for you when you return to the U.S. Much peace and love to you! Get well soon. Love Shan
Keep on Rocking
Hope you recover soon Bono and belated best wishes for your 50th (I'm just under a year behind you mate)! I'll remember you in prayer today, asking for your speedy recovery, but don't try to do too much too soon. Much love to you and your family. Paul Bunch
Dios te bendiga Bono
God bless you much people loves you.. God loves you we went in new jersey last year we went in argentina - vertigo tour we have our tickets to usa tor 2010 we will be with u2 for ever... 2011 .. we hope you here in colombia
Happy 50th get well soon!
Dear Bono and Jordan -- Happy birthday to you both! Hopw you had a great celebration. So very sorry to hear of your accident Bono--we are praying for a speedy and complete recovery. We are excited to see you in NJ next year--we will be waiting. Take care MD
wow! what a way to celebrate your 50th! hope you get well soon and knock everybody's socks off with an awesome and spiritual(as usual!) concert when you get better!
get better, my friend
hope and pray you are back to your world changing self very soon
so sad
My girls and I are so sad we have to wait for our East Lansing show, but wait we will,cuz whether you are 50 or 51, you are my world and my finest wish is to share you with my babies, ages 13 and 14, who at such young ages know the beauty of you. Happy Birthday and get well soon please. Michigan is waiting for you.
Dr. Popstar
Happy Birthday
Also happy birthday and good luck four your recuporation!!!
Happy 50th Bono! Not only do we share a Birthday (mine was the big 41) we are also sharing unplanned orthopedic surgeries. Heal well my Birthday sharing friend and every time I shed a tear in physical therapy I will think of my friend across the pond who is likely doing the same. Whenever you re-schedule your concert in Michigan I will be there!!!
happy belated birthday
to our dearest bono, happy belated birthday to you and your daughter jordon, wishing you the very best and a very speedy recovery, we want our bono back on stage where he belongs.. get well soon..xx
We are three days apart...Taurus's are the best
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Bono. Hope you celebrated well!
happy belated bday
happy belated bday and get well soon!
Happy birthday, take care
You are THE artist who is a model for me in a lot of fields : art, music, attitude, sing, philosophy,your integrity in every of your realisation, and your style. You and the band are for me both friends (so far so close !) and artists who really inspired me... You are an entire part of the word, and the world needs you. Your music and your art shows how it's so important to stay ourself, to have and respect our own convictions, and to change the word, at least to beleive in. Thank you for being there, Bono. Happy Birthay again, and take care, A Forever Fan, Maryse Archambault
Laurie Love
My 50th Birthday Too!
Happy 50th Birthday, Bono! My 50th was May 7. I'm sending you thousands of 'get-well' wishes. May you be up on your feet feeling 20 years old again soon! Take all the time you need to heal, that is the most important thing. All of us fans have got your back!
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