Birthday Greetings

10 May 2010373
It was fifty years ago today, 10th May 1960, that Iris and Robert Hewson presented a son to the world. Happy Birthday Bono.

Leave your own birthday greetings to your favourite lead singer below.
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BONO: the poet; the highwayman; the angel; the devil; the journalist; the wordsmith; the god; the star; the man; the traveller; the thinker; the artist; the creator; the inspiration; the hero; the saviour; the human. In my eyes you are all this and so much more. You make me weep with pathos; you make me shiver with delight; you make me sing with joy. Happy Day that you graced this Earth. Anita
Happy Birthday from the Florida Heat
Happy Birthday Bono, To put it quite simply it is a rare thing these days to be both entertained and so inspired. The 360 tour was the greatest spectacle I have ever been a part of (and yes the audience is part of the show), I look forward to Miami 2010. Keep on rocking!!!
Love You! <3
So sorry I'm late, Happy Birthday Bono! Can't wait to see you in JUNE!
first fifthy
Dear Bono, happy birthday to you! Greetings from Croatia. We love you so much! God Bless You and take care ;)
happy belated birthday!
Happy birthday Bono! thank you for putting so much passion into your singing, and helping me discover how much music means to me. Love, Savanna
50 years ago a legend was born and boy what a legend he is. happy birthday bono. xx
Welcome to your 50's Bono! Happy Birthda
I am in my early 50's and let me just say that one morning I woke up and had quite a few more aches than usual. This has continued, with more aches and I move slower. However, mentally I feel wonderful! I have a lot less stress and worries now, I guess I don't worry about the little things anymore. My children are grown and now I have a grandchild, a little boy, 6 months old. Grandchildren are so wonderful, they are such a gift from God. So, welcome to your 50's Bono! Enjoy them and take time to relax and enjoy your life, your family, and all that God has blessed you with. Life goes by so fast. You have done so much good for this world and I just want to say "Thank You". And I really enjoy U2's music, you are all such an inspiration. I will see you on stage in Chicago on July 6th! And yes I will be sitting, I couldn't stand that long in the inner circle my back and legs would hurt to much, a being in your 50's thing. I hope your 50th Birthday was a good one! Beth :)
Bono Happy Birthday- Sir you are very handsome young man, Im sending you 50 big kisses for every lovely year of your existence you are Gods apaostle in my eyes you were created to lead and lead you do so weel ,see you in Paris Sept xoxooxoxoooo
better late...
Better late than never: all the best to U Bonoman. I whish u and your family all the best!
happy bday
Better Late than never Happy Birthday BONO...
You Are A Living King!!!!
Wish you another Amazing 50 to come. Keep on the good vibes.
bono bday
Monday morning fifty years of dawning!!!!!!! Boys and girls go to the school and girls they make children not like "that" one.... cause nobody will be never like you
Feliz Cumpleanos
Happy birthday & GOD blessyou & keep given to the word the big kiss
Birthday Blessing
The best gift is the gift to give, a great way to mark your Birthday. Zimbabwe is forever blessed to have you and your team fighting for them. I just ordered the U2360 Live At The Rose Bowl, can't wait to watch it :) May fifty be your best year.
happy birthday
happy birthday bono cant wait to see you in East Lansing
Happy Birthday Bono
Happy Birthday Bono I love your music Can't wait to see you again on the 360 Tour in Philadelphia
A belated greeting
A belated happy birthday, Bono. Hope you enjoyed your day. David
Like a great wine............
You just become more delicious and precious to us. Hope you had a very special birthday. Thank you for the joy that you have brought to us and always know that just like a "miracle drug" you always leave us wanting more. Sure hope you live to at least 100!! oxoxox Desiree
Happy Birthday Bono. I came pretty late to the game, but I thank my lucky star I found you. Thank you for the music, your words, your heart. Happiest birthday wishes to you on this special birthday. ♥
Half a century of Bono!
Dear Bono, My congratulation with your 50th birthday. I hope you will let the world enjoy you for another half a century! Love, Ankie
Happy Belated Birthday!
Sorry I'm late. Hope you had an incredible B-Day cant wait 2 get u2 at the rose bowl
Happy (Belated) Birthday
Hope you had a wonderful birthday! I hope 50 feels as good as it looks on you. I think you are amazing...from your music to what you do globally. I saw you in Boston last year and it was my first time for GA, I was right up to the stage. I nearly fainted when I got to see you so close! I hope this will be a great year for you, Edge, Larry and Adam. We will miss you in Boston!! Thanks for doing what you do.
collin & marty
birthday wishes!
sorry my wishes are late. hope your birthday was great. thank you for the many great years of music.
Hope you had a "Happy Birthday"!! :-) You are "still just a baby"!! ( in light of eternity ) Never let go of the child in your heart!! Lots of Love, CB
Happy Birthday
wish you a wonderful birthday! thank you for the music with love LornaU2 Melbourne Australia DANCE WITH THE REDHEAD!!!
Fly Baby
Happy Belated Birthday Bono!
Happy 50th birthday! Thanks for all of the amazing music over the years. The Rose Bowl concert was the best show I've ever seen. I wonder if that will change when I see you again in Anaheim on June 6, I can hardly wait!
Happy Late BDay Bono!
Sorry it's late but i just wanted to take the time and whish you a very Happy Bday! Thanks for all the great music and lyrics. The are by far in my own humble opinion the greatest rock band in the world. I have had the opportunity of seeing U2 perform in many different concerts, and i must say that you guys sound so good in concert! Keep up the great music. I will be seeing you on June 6 at Anaheim stadium and i know it is going to be a great one. I was at the Rose Bowl last year which was awsome! Please sing New Years Day at Anaheim, I just love that song. Thank You and Again Hope you had a great Bday!
Me and Ines wished you a happy b-day in your birth day, 10thMay, but we got here, and we copy-pasted the coment, with an aditional note :) you're the best !
Happy birthday Bono ! :)
Hi Bono, my name is Sarah, and I'm with a friend called Inês. We're both 15 years old, we're portuguese, and maybe people think that with our age we would's listen to U2's songs, but we think they're wrong, U2's songs are the best songs in the world. We are your biggest fans, we sing your songs all the time, and we know you've 50 years old now, and you're old enough to be our dad, bue you're so cute :$ we should't say this, bue we will: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WE LOVE YOU BONO :$ ( we know... but the right to be ridiculous is something we hold dear )
Feliz Cumpleaños Bono
I wish you a great birthday, and thanks for make us have a good time with all the u2 song.
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