Birthday Greetings

10 May 2010373
It was fifty years ago today, 10th May 1960, that Iris and Robert Hewson presented a son to the world. Happy Birthday Bono.

Leave your own birthday greetings to your favourite lead singer below.
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Happy Bday Bono!
I hope you had a beautiful day. You are a beautiful human being, thanks for teaching us how to change the world. Love from PERU. Come to South America soon! - Natalia
Happy 50th birthday to you BONO <3 !! Hope you had a beautiful day.Thank you for all you've done and all you're going to do...(can't wait to see you next september in Paris !!!)
Can't believe you are 50 this year - still looking good and sounding great! Thanks for your inspiration over the years :)
A Belated Birthday Wish for Bono!
I'm hoping the celebration lasts throughout the tour! Keep singing your heart out! See you in Toronto and Montreal! Wishing you health and happiness all year round. With love, a dedicated fan in Canada.
Birthday Wishes for Bono
Hi Bono -Sorry for the belated birthday wishes. I feel very honored to share my 50th decade with you. Having my 50th birthday on St.Patrick's Day and turning 50 the same year as you makes this year all the more special. Keep doing what you are doing. The world is a better place because of you and U2. See you in July!
Happy Birthday My lovely Bono!!
The stars are shining above you, cause you are shining under them, it's special day to you, it's your day, Happy Birthday, Happy birthday! (sorry for my congrats so late, just couldn't write sooner) Wish you happy birthday and happy fife, full of joy and happiness. Your greatest fan, Dobbie
Van harte gefeliciteerd!
Dear Bono, happy birthday! Still looking sharp! All the luck and hapiness from The Netherlands! Ps. Still no show in Holland this year? ;-P
Magnificent Month of May
From one May baby to another, Happy Birthday Bono. Hope you enjoyed your day.
Happy Birthday St Bono
Congratulations, for great man, and human. Thanks for your time and spirit of peace. We love you Bono. From Mexico with love.
Happy Next
Just thought I'd get a wish in for your next bday since there are way to many reminders rounding out this decade. I could do 50 wake up calls if you found yourself in need. I fully appreciate how this age progression thing makes one wanna hit that snooze button 50 more times.
Bono, feliz aniversario!!!!
Bono, it is amazing the way you've been spending your time for all these years. You could just enjoy your beautiful life (no doubt you deserve it), but YOU DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE in this world instead. I'm your fan for all the good reasons. May God bless you always. Thank you!!! Parabens!!!!!! Vivian Abdalla (Rio de Janeiro-Brazil)
Happy Birthday Bono from a mexican fan, and thank you for all the music you have created for us that make us feel really good. Aracely
Happy 50 th Birthday to you!!!!!!!! I'll hope you had a great day :) Keep on making good music =)
Have a Ridiculous and Dear Birthday week
LA Weimer 08.03.09 Ridiculous in the Kitchen The right to appear ridiculous is something I hold dear. – Bono The old Guinness box bereft of dark bottles, Of coffee colored ale, holds my music The music the boys make, the boys from Ireland. My husband saw the fun in housing our Irish Interests together like our thirty years of living Layer on layer of song and words and thirsty desires. When the day slows and I go to the kitchen To make salad, bake the bread, cook the food That lays our evening meal, the boys and their Music come out of the box and slip into electricity. It is ridiculous to see a woman of my age dance, So the window curtain’s come down as if the show is over. David danced before the Lord, and these words These tunes take me there, but it is a private Right to be ridiculous alone with my food Amongst the clutter of cabinets and counters. This surging electricity in the air, the ears rebirth this Daily evening ritual into worship, prayer, and praise Preparing me for the bodies coming back to the house Wanting to eat, wanting to drink, wanting to be left alone And served at the same time. So I swirl and raise my arms, I close my eyes and open my heart to the eternalness of music And the muses it brings. I am a cup refilled and running over Splashing what grace I can on those who soon intrude Into my ridiculousness -- a middle aged wife and mother Feeling nineteen, dancing poorly, but entering for a Few minutes into the Holy of Holies where He understands The steps, the love, the gratitude and why movement, Not words, declare all this to Him, ridiculous and dear.
Happiest of all birthday weeks
to you. I too will join those who are halfway there at 50 this year...Hoping I will enjoy mine as much as you do yours! Cheers
Happy Birthday
Having followed U2 since 1981, I still have to pinch myself to realise nearly 30 years on the boys are still all together. Thank you for giving us a Wonderful Life too Bono !
Happy Birthday!!
Sorry for the belated birthday message. I hope you had a great one!! Thanks for all the amazing years of music and lyrics. Looking forward to many more.
Happy Birthday Bono!!
I celebrated my 50th on the 22nd of April and could not imagine anyone better to share a birthday year with. It was tough seeing the 50 on cards and on a cake, however, I am blessed to be in the same generation as YOU!!...Thank you for your music and dedication. See you soon in Denver and Phily. Happy Birthday!! -Kazco from Raleigh, NC
Birthday Wishes, Mate
Glad you are still challenging hearts and minds and kicking down the walls! The best friend you've never met, Neil
Happy birthday from Denmark :-)
A late Happy Birthday wish to you - thanks for the amazing music you guys give us!!! Can't wait to see you in Denmark in august, was incredibly happy that I got tickets! God bless you :-) -Marina
the_ flame
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday darling, may you be blessed with peace, love and passion. Your songs enchant me, your looks drive me wild. I light a candle for you every day. I wish I could give you a honey filled kiss, you melt my blues away. Love Ann Marie
Brian Parsons
Happy Birthday from Ottawa
Hi Bono, Happy Birthday bud! Your music and ideas have inspired a generation, so thanks for that. It's nice to enjoy music and also be proud of the actions and grace of the band members too. Hope you and Jordan had a great birthday. Next time you're in Ottawa pop by for a pint, we are only 7 minutes from the Arena here in Kanata! LOL! Take care. Remember, it's not the eyes, or the mind that go's the sense of humour! (laughs) Cheers! - Brian and Susan
Frank Sinatra
My father who is now in his 70s told me once that he was fortunate to be alive to hear the voice of Frank Sinatra combine with the Nelson Riddle band. The voice and the band struck a chord with my father. The same has happened to me a generation later, with your voice and your band mates. I count myself blessed to have been able to experience it. Happy Birthday Bono!
Happy Birthday!
Thank you for entertaining, inspiring, and thrilling us! Here's to 50 more! xoxo Denise and Gus
Habby Birthday. Be blessed.
Thank you for the great inspiration that we can find in your lyrics. Thank you for beeing authentic. Thank you for beeing different. Hope you and your folks are doing well. Enjoy your Birthday !!! Greatings from Gelsenkirchen (Germany).
Happy Birthday Sir Bono!!! :D
Happy Birthday Bono!! 50 years old, you're an old bugger now. Hope to see you, Edge, Adam and Larry down-under here in New Zealand some time soon! :)
tres jones say it's your birthday!...
Happy Birthday! I hope 50 is a great year for you. Mostly, I just want to say a heartfelt, "Thank You!"
Happy Birthday Bono
You wear 50 so well. I remember when I first heard U2 for the first time back in 1981. When I got hooked on the very first note. U2 have always have had a positive influence on my life. Thank you for being such a driving force,through talent, creative through ambiguity in the bands greatest work, and share it all with the rest of the world. After 50 years on earth, myself and the rest of your fans are thrilled your in the world. I think I can believe you have reached middle age. You have accomplished so much and manage to be part of a beautiful family. A rarity all on its own. I am so thrilled that you and U2 are still going stronger than ever. I wish only better things and good health for the next 50 years.
Happy Birthday
It is never too late to send good wishes, right? All the best always...You make our planet a better place to live, you make us proud to be a part of human race, you inspire, you entertain, you rock!!!...... Thanks for being you....Bono... Many happy happy returns.... Cheers!!!!! Lots of love
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