'It's here…'

5 Nov 201941

'It's here…'
'It's here!. Thank you #U2 for this amazing CD set - sounds great in my living room. Bass on 10! How fun seeing three shows I attended on the track listing.'
The limited edition double CD 'U2 Live Songs of iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE' is now arriving with U2.comsubscribers across the planet. AND ALL 22 TRACKS ARE NOW AVAILABLE TO DOWNLOAD. (When  you're signed in, click Account Info on the tab at the top right of the page.)
'This has to be my favorite U2.com subscription gift EVER. So many memories attached to each of these songs, being 6 of them from concerts I actually attended. Good job guys…'
Check this thread in Zootopia where people are posting images and video as they receive their copies in the post.
'Got mine today.  Happy to see a song from a concert that I attended.  I've been listening to it non-stop today.  Awesome package with the pics and sound quality. of the tunes.'
'This is a great gift. The set list for both Cd's is amazing. It follows how the songs were performed during each tour, with the exception of The Little Things That Give You Away. But this song is still toward the end which mirrors how it was performed during JTT 2017. Plus, the accompanying booklet of images from each tour is a nice touch too.'

'Well done guys. You topped the U22 gift.'
There's more comment on social media, like this on Twitter from @tillDecember.
'Just listening to the U2.com subscriber's gift downloads. They are brilliant and the Iive versions especially...'
Got your own copy yet? 
How do you like it? Bring back some memories? What about the track listing or artwork? Tell us all about it by adding your own review of 'U2 Live Songs of iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE'  in the comments below - and then joining the conversation on Zootopia.

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Amazing gift - thank you!
To me this is one of the best fanclub gifts ever because I'm old-fashioned and still "addicted" to CDs. The chosen versions are brillant, they sound amazing and bring back all the great memories of these two tours. The last song on CD 2 was also the last song of my personal Experience Tour and I'll never forget this special concert in Amsterdam... goose bumps each and every time I listen to it. I also like the design of the booklet with those stunning photographs very much - pure joy to flip through. Thank you very much for this amazing fanclub gift!
U2's Next Album HAS to Be "Live"....#St
So, there I am 10 years old and A Celebration comes on an Irish TV station...and instantly I am hooked ...an #InstaU2Addict..... But then things got even better when i was 15 years old as i got to see U2 play Live in Croke Park 1987....and thought wow.. their music is even better "Live"..... So why am i writing this...well ever since POP in 1997, their album releases never hit me between the ears, but yet they did when they were played "Live" ....... Frankly, this has been bugging me for years..... UNTIL....U2 go and release 'U2 Live Songs of iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE' and its 1,000,001% Amazing...My pre 1997 U2 are back yet those songs didn't come across that way on the IE - EI records..... It just seems that whatever musical technology or so called advancements all albums since 1997 are over produced or whatever you want to say.....don't sound great/don't hook me into U2..unless you see them "Live".... So i have come up with an idea..... For U2's next Album...why dont U2 choose 10 gigs globally in small venues, invite , raffle, sell tickets for these venues etc.... record them and then globally release the "Live" album and tour the hell out of it... That is if a ZOO.COM tour is not in the pipeline...and if it is great do that fella's and release a "Live" album of new songs #StepAwayFromTheStudio (great name for the new album) Give us a buzz to discuss fella's ... you have my number...its on My Account Profile... JB...
Got my gift, the real, the CD :) Always a great pleasure to hear live performances. And, what to say, MP3 download was realy poor quality. Why don't you go for lossless HiRez 24bit 96kHz like the last albums ?
This is a stunning piece of work! Listening to this really captured the emotions I felt at the concert. This is more then just two live albums, this has raw emotion! These two live albums on their own are that beautiful they could actually replace the studio albums! This shows the league U2 are in. They can capture perfection live! U2 right now are like a new young band, this energy and youthfulness they have is outstanding! The hairs on the back of my neck stood up listening to this gift! Thank you U2!
Personally, best fan club gift in years!
I attended both Belfast shows on the 2015 and 2018 tours (#U2ieTour, #U2eiTour) and I'm so delighted to know that a track on this new live double CD is from Belfast! “The Blackout” (was bouncing up and down singing along in 2018) is a great tune live and this Belfast version is incredible! Amazing! Speaking of Belfast, hopefully Belfast won't have to wait too long again to witness U2 live here in the city. Along with Dublin, Belfast (Ireland's second city) should always be on the tour schedule for the island. Belfast needs to witness the band's music and voice once again in the near future inspiring the current and the new generation. This 2019 fan club gift is an excellent one and sounds absolutely fantastic. Love it! I'm grateful to have it in my possession and it will be played continuously across my many devices. It reminds me of past fan club releases such as “U22” and “From the Ground Up” from the 360° Tour era which are big favourites of mine. Both of those are excellent releases and now this 2019 fan club gift adds to that personally. “Songs of Innocence” and “Songs of Experience” - I love these studio albums. Both have meant a lot to me. Both albums are up there with the band's best ever work - especially lyrically. I genuinely believe that. Incredible work and so in 2019, to receive a special fan club release of these tracks in live format is a bonus and it continues the great legacy of both “SOI” and “SOE ”. I'll always be grateful to receive any type of fan club gift in future, but personally, you can't beat a gift that has live U2 audio. Live is where U2 lives and the “U2 Live Songs of iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE” really does it for me. If I was to express an idea for a possible future fan club release, what about a “best of the rest” from #U2ieTour, #U2eiTour with non Innocence and non Experience tracks? “Bullet”, “Acrobat” are two massive and special live performances that come to mind. Now that would be epic and another excellent live audio fan club release! In general, personally, CD(s) or CD(s) + booklet/book etc. is a perfect gift. I'll leave it with you. Thank you to all involved in this new fan club release. All the very best and all the very best to yous Bono, Edge, Larry, Adam also. THANK YOU for EVERYTHING.
Great memories in NYC through this amazing gift! two magnificent albums and tours. Absolutely fabulous!! Thank you!!!!!!
Perfect gift
Thank you to all at U2 for this wonderful gift, definitely the best yet, as many have said already. Cover, booklet and CD's just fab. Live versions are so good and agree with BillHenderson and others, this just proves U2's greatness, as if we didn't already know it. They have always excelled live and these prove it without even being at the live show. I was at both, '15 and '18 and the Joshua tree '17 too. They were all epic of course. The CD's manage to convey the emotion of the performances and I was in tears again with 'the Little Things', just love it all, love, love U2 forever. Thank you, Thank you.
Live sounds better
The downloads have brought the last two albums to life. The live versions are far superior Thanks for making a fan from 1983 feel part of something very special again. You’ve brought me back into the fold.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. For this, and for being the soundtrack to my life. Love you always.
love it !
I LOVE the cover photo, Love the packaging (not too large, not too small). Of course I love the live music tracks.
Great packaging, great pics, great songs
Wow! I love it! Not just the songs and live performances, but also the packaging. Not your standard CD art and medium. Top quality.
Best gift yet!
The double live is the best subscription gift yet! Only complaint is that there weren't more tracks.
The test of any band that aspires to greatness is whether they sound better live than on a studio album. U2 consistently aces this test, and these two CD's just keep driving that point home, again and again. It's been almost 6 years since the release of Invisible. What a great 6 years it's been, from the initial concept, to the recording, the album releases and the tours! And now they've wrapped it up so perfectly with this release. Thank-you! (I second the vote below for a future release of a live Acrobat!, but more on topic right now, where is a live version of The Showman? )
The double CD is absolutely the best!!!
U2 Forever
I saw U2 tour at Barcelona and Rome. It was really incredible. Thanks so much, U2!!! I love live tracks.
Thank you!
Love it!
I love this gift thank u so much! It arrived just days before my anniversary of the last experience show in Dublin! So many amazing memories. Miss u my brothers come back to North America soon!
Wow! The double CD is incredible! I’ve relived their Boston, and D.C shows through this compilation. Well done men from Dublin.
Cooper the Beagle
Thank You
Love it. Now, in my car - in the CD PLAYER - I have: Songs of Innocence: studio Songs of Innocence: live Songs of Experience: studio Songs of Experience: live What a great combination and collection. Why ever leave the car? I like how the mixing has an emphasis on music and vocals, so the crowd reactions are subtle and appropriately complementary at the right times. The sound comes through loud, clear and pure. A great gift.
Please!! Even better than the real thing!! One
There’s no end to love
Let’s make it clear from the beginning : I’m not a U2-fan and the members-cd is great !!!! 110% Why ? Authentic U2-themes : (in)justice, faith and failure. Melody more colored than Sunday bloody sunday, Less emotional than With or without you. More direct than over-profuced cds. Etc..... I’ve seen U2 14 times since ZooTV-tour, I’ve every single/record/whatever.. but I need U2 to express Honesty, Purity etc.. how many bands give themselves like that? Dare to be humans lovelovelove Open your heart while doing the household! Love , Floris Switzerland
double CD 'U2 Live Songs of iNNOCENCE +
Fantastic Double CD!! Love this, brings me back to these two fantastic tours... love it!
Amazing Live Set.
Thank you for such an awesome gift of music. Bonus the set includes a track from the LA Forum from a show we attended. Now if you could just record and allow us to purchase a live recording of the complete shows we attend, as some artists have done from time to time. (Hint Hint). Thank you U2 for making the world a better place on so many levels.
Amazing tour U2
Great songs!!! Thnak you so much.
2 concerts
I saw U2 tour at Barcelona and Dublin. It was really incredible
I&E great initiative
Thank you U2 for sharing this amazing collection of good music. Intensity, emotion and intelligence from the beginning to the end!
U2 was the best group for my husband But he died when he was 34 years old ... I stay a big fan for him and I was with him in my heart when i saw this amazing show in Paris Love u2
the wait to hear the completeness of this incredible work is over. now the wait begins to have him at home. I will show him a work of art. the songs are magnificent. a question to the fans. but in the video where you see the coloring of the cover, I read and saw the famous book that should accompany the double cd? or did I misunderstand? thanks anyway thanks U2 for this fantastic gift. really wonderful I would love to see you in this new tour .... but it's too far for me !!
Finally all the songs available. the e-mail of the shipment arrived a few days ago. innocence and experience. there could be no better name. only the title is a poem. the songs are the true poem, the heart of an extraordinary band a double live album that is already history. the more listening the more it seems to me to retrace the history of U2. Now I wait for the double CD and I hope it will come soon, from the picture it looks like a gem. congratulations guys you have made a masterpiece. thanks for this gift !!! I will jealously guard him !!
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