Manhattan Diary

4 Mar 200969
Bono's keeping us a video diary, and with No Line On The Horizon released today, here's his first entry . .

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Cool video, God bless you guys
great album great tour
I really think this is one of te greatest albums of U2 Please come to MEXICO we love u
Too Adorable!
It's so wonderful that you are taking the time to do this for your fans! I have floor seats to the Boston concert! I'm soooo pumped! I've never seen U2 perform on stage. Thanks Bono....I love you! AW
Very special to see the person Bono for real, instead of on stage. Although I will be there in front of the stage the 20th of July in Amsterdam. Keep up this diary please!
Bono Coppola..
Just woke up this morning with both the flue and a little hangover; as usual the last few weeks the first thing I do is strumble to my computer and log into my U2 world where there are others who understand my addiction to a certain rockband. With my first coffey in front of me I open this videofile and there you are, my musical heroes for 29 years. Right In My Face. And I Love It! Thank you Bono for starting these chitchat videodiaries, they are a Huge addition to this site. Keep them coming please, it's a great way to start the day for your fans ;-))
laura ellis
fab! can't wait for next instalment hope Bono gets to grips with his camera tho i actually got car sick watching it!
Thanks Bono.
and Larry, Edge and Adam. Looking to see you guys in Nice! Moment of Surrender might be one of your best songs ever. Could be a Psalm. Really. Beautiful.
Bono you just drove by my house ! Why didnt you ring my Buzzer i would have loved to invite you and theboys in for some tea and cookies !
A Rock God - in my living room
Too cool....From Windmill Studios to the internet in my living room. Too Freaking Cool. Thank you U2. Great Idea and website. Your fans apprecaite it!
Bono Rocks
Don't quit your day job! :) hope the camera angles get better(ha)....Can't wait to see more!
Leave it to Bono!
Instead of behaving like the "Super Rock Star" that he is,Bono is as down to earth as the rest if us......and how clever of him to share is journey!
What a great idea Bono ,cant wait for all the future video installments even if you dont get the camera angle sorted only joking .Loved No line on the Horizon its the best U2 album ever well done boys you have done us proud again
can't wait to see the rest
Keep them coming, Mr Bono!
This is such an awesome idea. U2 is the greatest band in history & cares so much about their fans. Thanks & can't wait for what's instore this next year!
Musical Journey
What a great idea! Fans can see a day in the life. All of you are so down to earth and cool. Love the accents! Got to get my Bono fix! Can't wait to see you in Chicago!
NYC hearts you
This is your home away from Dublin, and when you're here, all of us who love what you've done mucically and otherwise get a little buzzed merely by your being in town.  Thanks so much for obeying your inspiration, and touching us all with your gifts.  God bless you guys! 
This guy is truly amazing.. I am 41 years old and I have never really been into U2. I started watching his concerts on VH1 the other day and all I can say is WOW! I have never in my life been so captivated with a performer before. I am truly sorry that I didn't discover his talent a long time ago... I am now a big fan of U2... They are absolutely one of a kind... I hope to go see one of their shows is their upcoming tour... Awesome!
Just too Good
It's cool to have that kind of home videos shared, pretty cool. I know you Bono will include PERU in your coming tour!
A Class Act
These gentlemen are nothing short of class. I brought my 10 year old son down yesterday...and Bono, Edge and Adam each came over and spoke with him...signed for us...and allowed us a few pictures. A great memory for a young fan...and his grateful mom! Thanks, guys!
love it
Hey this video diary is a cool idea! LOVING the new album, loving it loing it loving it!! It's Magnificent... to borrow a song title... Love from lil old New Zealand....
Achtung Baby
Good idea to make a diary! Congratulations to the new album, it´s great! Hope to see you live in Austria in this year!
Nice 1st entry Bono! Yeah, you need to work on that camera angle though :) Although looking at your neck is nice too. Love the album...can't wait to hear it LIVE in person! Good luck at Fordham! Gotta do Unknown Caller...breathtaking song!
love it
Looking forward to sharing the journey..
4ever fan
Happy people peform better..
You know he's the worst driver you can imagine, hope he's not driving himself..... Love the way he is smiling all the time. Like a little child in the candy store.........
Lovin' It!
Leaves me wanting more! Can't wait for the next video:)
very cool video
Bono is just to funny. Thank Heavens he wasn't driving and video taping at one time, lol. I hope he keeps up with this video Diary. Love to hear his thoughts.
Bono is so adorable! That camera thing was really funny. PS Love his new shades. Totally rockin' the red. Man, I really hope I can get tickets for the tour.
u2 Fan
I Love u2 musica im Fan for 28 years . No Line on the horizon . I Love Sound Magnificent
get me in the sound!!!
lovely to see u2 back in NewYork, great to see bono filming himself and seeming totally chilled out, they are old hats at this album launch stuff....... can not wait to see the next installment!!!
Manhattan seemed like this magical place with all that snow. Good idea to post an video diary Bono!=)
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