'The First One Of Your Kind'

8 May 201248
A new version of Original of the Species, recorded by Bono and Edge, features on a benefit CD produced by Every Mother Counts, raising funds to support maternal healthcare worldwide.

The 19-track CD, which includes songs by Paul Simon and Edie Brickell, Lauryn Hill, Eddie Vedder, David Bowie, Patti Smith and Coldplay, is on sale through Starbucks and $8 of every sale will be invested in life-saving maternal health programmes worlwide.

A woman dies every 90 seconds from complications in pregnancy but 90% of these deaths are preventable. While these deaths devastate children, families, and communities,  maternal mortality is an issue that many people don't notice. Christy Turlington Burns founded Every Mother Counts to boost awareness of this crisis and - and of solutions which will improve life for women worldwide. She was inspired by her own experiences and the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goal to reduce maternal mortality by 75% by 2015.

Every Mother Counts 2012, the second album to be released for the organization, is available exclusively at Starbucks during May in celebration of Mother’s Day.

'I went to friends first, as I did with the first CD,' Christy told Rolling Stone. 'Bono and Chris Martin were great supporters of the project the first time around, and when I knew I wanted to include men on this album they were obvious choices. They are also both fathers to daughters.'

Speaking about 'Original of the Species', she said, 'Bono wrote the song with his daughters in mind. It's wishful and imparts the idea that, 'I'm here and I'm watching you take your steps forward and I'm supporting your independence, but at the same time, I don't want you to make mistakes.' Any parent can relate to that.'

Find out more about Every Mother Counts.

Get your copy of the CD.

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Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Bono!
B-Day Bono!
Happy birthday Bono! Congratulations.! You changed my world. Love. Cássia Canuto - Caçapava/SP - Brazil
Happy Happy Birthday Bono!
Hoping you have a great and wonderful day! A very warm Birthday wish to you from Texas! Love, Shelly
Can't WAIT ....
to get my Copy ; ) I've just bought the CD on AMAZON.Com, cos I Can't Order it on StarBucks ... Original Of The Species Acoustic sound just .... Magnificent ... like ALL this Cd .... So Can't WAIT ....
cant wait to buy it for my mom
happy birthday again to you bono and cannot wait to go to starbucks this weekend to pick up several copies of this disc...cant wait to hear the new version
koen van damme
Happy birthday Bono!
Happy Birthday Bono!
Happy Birthday Bono, you are an enlightened human being! Love, Marcia-Brazil.
love this boys
love this boys 4 ever,,great job we love all musics..u2 always...happy birthday to all my boy..paul david hewson aka bono..10 may 1960..its today bono,,happy day 4 you and the band..52 years man..love from portugal..paulo silva
Listen on Soundcloud
You can hear it on Soundcloud ... for those who cant buy the CD
not a fan of starbuck's
i seriously try to avoid supporting this retail giant that has been responsible for closing the doors of established mom & pop shops all over the bay area. however. that said - if $8 from a $13 purchase is really going to this cause, i'll participate. it really is a lovely idea. more retailers, especially at lower price point, bigger interest stores like Target, might have been a great idea. maybe next year, eh?
Great version...
One of my favourites in an incredible acoustic version...great job guys...
yes it needs to be sold more widespread ... incl mc donalds too and online ..... we got a starbucks ere in ireland but only in de dublin citio and so i wudda have to pay 2 travel there too so costing me maybe 50dollar
Actually, here in Croatia, there's no Starbucks's shops, so, even we're in recession process, I'm sure, I'm not the only one who would like to spend some cash for that noble purpose. Therefore, please, make it global....
Purchasing the CD
I would love to support 'Every Mother Counts' and buy this CD but I am in New Zealand. Why does Star Bucks get to sell it exclusively?
Hope we can get this down under!
Original Of The Species Acoustic.
I took my guitar and I play and sing this beautiful song.
Good to know
Can't wait for this new version. Good to know there are people out there supporting all this. Hopefully one day this kind of support will help people over here in Latin America, too.
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