Unforgettable Single

10 Aug 2012541
Over on our Discography page you'll find dozens and dozens of singles the band have released over the years.

Starting with U23 way back in 1979 - Out of Control, Stories for Boys, Boy-Girl - the trail leads all the way to 'I'll Go Crazy', third single from No Line On The Horizon, in 2009.

Maybe you'd forgotten Lemon was a single. Or you've never listened to Fire. Or you just recently discovered Please. But there'll be a U2 single that's special to you in some way - the one that comes on the radio or arrives unnoticed when your iPod's on shuffle and suddenly a moment in your life comes back to you.

What was the U2 single that stopped you in your tracks - and still does ?

It might depend on where you were when you first heard it, what was happening in your life, how you first got into the band?

Remind yourself of the history of the band's single releases and look through the promotional videos on this page in our Video Gallery (set aside a week or two for this) -  find the one that reminds you of a time and place in your life.

In the comments below tell us why this song is special for you. Is there a story behind it - an anecdote from your life ?

What brings the track alive for you? What was happening to you at the time you first heard it that means you'll never get over this single?

We have prizes for the best, the funniest, the most moving or surprising entries. Add them in the comments below. Did we mention that ? (Don't forget - we're not talking about any U2 track but about those released as singles...)

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Ultraviolet(Light My Way) or Love Is Bli
I can see that I'm a lot younger than many of you, but I also love U2. When I was a child(it was about 2000's) my father use to drive to my grandparents and we always listened to "All that You Can't Leave Behind". So one of my first tracks were "Beautiful Day" but after few years I started to explore U2 music and then when I was about 9-12 I heard "Achtung Baby". I loved it. Those songs(Ultraviolet&Love is blindness) made such an impression to, and when I had my first love I used to play "Ultraviolet" About 20 times in day, but when I lost her I felt the sadness, anger and lots of other feelings that led me to "Love Is Blindness". And a few years ago when I first listened to those sings Live it was something big. So I choose "Ultraviolet" and "Love Is Blindness".
New Year's Day
I heard the first notes on the radio while sitting in my room at the age of 16. It stopped me in my tracks. I was completely absorbed in the song. I didn't even know for sure who the band was but I was pretty darned sure it was "that U2 band that sings the song 'Gloria'." That was the moment that U2 became my favorite band. I was completely blown away by the War album and the rest is history.
Stay (Faraway so close)
I was in high school and had my mother get a subscription to Columbia House so I could get Zooropa after hearing the single Stay. After that album I bought every other one they every release plus singles and videos. The song works well as it's recorded version live or how's it;'s played now with just the Edge and Bono playing acoustic. Plus Zooropa has my favorite album cover of all time.
I Will Follow
I have to confess the first time I heard I Will Follow it was played by a cover band at a college dance in 1981. Even so, the raw, frenetic, emotional energy of the song was not lost in translation, it so resonated with me that I had to find out where it came from. That journey has taken me many places since that night and U2 has evolved through every phase of it, but the opening strains of I Will Follow always transports me back to that time of unbridled joy, wild uncertainty, loss, and new beginnings.
Scott Cleaver
One Tree Hill
For me it has to be One Tree Hill - As firstly its about the great man - Greg Carroll who quickly became Bono's Personal assistant but sadly lost his life well before his time...while doing Bono a favour...and a year later, while working in Radio I had the amazing privilage of being called up by Bono to record his Memorial Mesage live for Greg, for the headstone unveiling - done from paris on the 4th of July 1987. Secondly - Very sadly but also most incredibly my Nana passed away due to a massive stroke on the exact same day as Greg Carroll's passing...so its a very moving and massively emotional track for me especially LIVE and its always played here in Auckland...Bless our boys...and OTH has wicked meaning to me for more reasons than just being one of the greatest songs and most seeked out live U2 tracks of all... Thirdly its about an amazingly beautiful landmark from the country that I call home - and is only a five minute drive from my actual home (So I get to see it everyday...and feel blessed that I do so)...and as a side note for you all...its the highest natural point in Auckland city... overlooking a stunning 360 degree vista of this amazing city completely surrounded by volcanoes and water too. Oh great ocean, oh great sea Run to the ocean, run to the sea... RIP Greg/ and Nana...Forever in our hearts :)
With or Without You
I had to think about this one because there is so much of their music I love. I keep coming back to With or Without You though. It's hands down my all time favorite song. I was quite young when I first heard U2, probably right around the time War was release (give or take), and I completely loved them. However, it wasn't until I was a little older that it really sunk in which was at about the time The Joshua Tree was released. I love that entire album but this song reached out and grabbed me and it's been my favorite ever since. It just is one of those songs I think is sheer perfection and I've loved it from the first time I heard it. In part because it doesn't remind me of anyone or anything. If anything it just reminds me of the band and all the great memories I have of them throughout the years and the musical journey they've taken me on.
Stay (Faraway, So Close!)
This song catched me in the first audition! I was a 13 yo discovering rock and got my vynil copy of Zooropa l in the week of it's launch! When I got to the fifth track after a lot of noise, dance, synths and beautiful weirdness, finally U2 sounded like the old U2. A ballad so beautiful and smart that I had to repeat before I turned the disc to hear the other side! The song grew on me every time I heard and keep like this until today! Stay is so damn good that it's release should be called a "couple" instead of a "single"
Well, for me It has to be The Fly..whenever I didn't dare to take major steps in my life-The Fly was there ! Whenever I was down, The Fly was there !! When I felt sad and couldn't cheer up, The Fly was there....When I had to pass through the fire of my College Degree exam which seemed Impossible to OVERCOME, THE FLY SAVED ME. So, For ME..EVEN if my favourite song from U2 is Until The End of The World...THE FLY IS definitely THE SINGLE that saved my life !!!! I LOVE YOU U2 !!!!!!!
The Glue
Mysterious Ways
was the one that first hooked me. First album I bought was achtung baby, only beacuase in August 93 zooropa wasn't available. Hooked right there. The wtf is with my speakers zoo station, the between the speakers went until the end of the world. Even better to one to the fly - each of which had never been done before.
Miss Sarajevo
My famaly comes from bosna and herzegowina . it is a beutifull song who describes a little bit how the people felt and its for me the bes U2 song
Mysterious Ways
about 20 years ago, I was almost 18 years ... on a Saturday morning, a great radio DJ, broadcast Mysterious Ways and said, "mysterious and unpredictable are the ways of the Lord" ... And I listened the song on the radio. In the same evening, at a party I know that DJ, and for a short time we became a couple. And he remembered his words of the morning. This is one of my most romantic memories, ever.
New years Day
Everytime if i listen to this song, i feel me Free..... Like a Bird....... It's a timeless Song and my favorite U2 song ever......
Of course as a child, I've had many memories which I will always remember, but there's this special memory that will forever stay in my heart....... I remember I was about eight years old and I was walking to the playground with my older sister Melanie, who at the time was sixteen. She wasn't very ''happy'' to have to amuse her 2 little twin sisters at the parc ... so she brought along her walkman with her. Eventually, I wanted to listen to the music too so she made me listen to her tape just to please me. This is when I heard my favorite U2 single for the first time...where the streets have no name (the joshua tree). Not long after that summer, my sister Mel went away to live with an oncle in an other city hours from where I lived...and we lost touch for about thirteen years. During all these years I've been loving U2....especially the song ''where the streets have no name'' for it reminded me of my sister that I missed so much and that famous day when I first heard the song walking to the parc....and it made me feel so good inside. Now the sisters are finally reunited......but I still can't live without U2. My favorite song always feels like it's growing in my heart. in the beginning in a way that I can't explain and at the end of the song, slowly leaves my body and gives me a certain peace within that I love. It is the song that I like to hear when I feel bad.....it gives me back that little positive energy that I need to continue on with my life.
Mysterious Ways
It was a chilly October evening and I was stuck in the backseat of my mom's car while she ran endless errands.  Again.  That was what our nights had become since my parents' divorce, and especially since my dad had turned his back and ran from his own family.  He was nowhere to be found, and my mom was on her own.  I admired her strength. I found comfort in music during those times, and it became my lifeline.  I had no idea who U2 were, and I could not have anticipated that the band, or their music really, would become my guiding light.  I was just a twelve-year-old daddy's girl, feeling very alone in the dark night, rocking out to what I thought was a cool, sexy song. Mysterious Ways represented my way of being then, in its contradictory convolutions and simplicity.  It became the sound of my own coming of age story; it was the song that played as my naivety was twisted and turned and molded into life experience.   The memory of my mom sighing in disgust and turning the radio off halfway through my song that night is incredibly vivid.  I can feel the October air around me; the cold quiet seeping into the cracks of my world.  It was a world which was slowly breaking as the chasms within my family broadened.   I'm sure she broke a bit too, as she slid further down from her pedestal.  Silence.  That moment was the beginning of an unending series of unspoken disagreements between us.   We haven't agreed on much in life.  Maybe that moment was the beginning of our lifelong struggle to understand and accept each other...        Anyway, thanks for the music U2. Your sound will always be relevant to me.  Especially this one. - Jessica
When I was 12 my parents divorced...and it wasn't in a friendly way, you know...I was angry with all the world! Then a night " Misterious ways" came out from my radio...the song said " it's alright, it's allrgiht....on day you look back and you'll see.." it was like a revelation, it was my song! I felt a sense of warm like a hug, a sense of peace.Then I bought " Achtung Baby" and I found " Acrobat "....what a cure for my angry!!! Thanks Bono, thanks U2...with your words at the right time you give me a little bit of love, and really change my life.Even if it could be only a song for you, you make a lot for me : it give me the strenght not to fall in "bad companies" and going on. Now my life is a "mess" for other problems but your song still give me an help, like the voice of and old friend: the best frined I could ever had! THANK YOU VERY MUCH BONO, THANK YOU VERY MUCH U2!
Zooropa 93
First time I heard this coming from Radio 1, I thought there was something wrong with the sound! The last thing I had heard from U2 was "All I Want Is You", this could not have been more different. The more I listened to it, the more it got under my skin; now it's my favourite song ever. Even Edge does a brilliant solo on there, akin to John Squire or David Gilmour, and he normally doesn't like doing those. It also heralded an important new direction for the band.
The Fly
The Fly was such a major departure for U2. Not just in sound, but in image. Gone were the four somber lads from dublin, replaced by four rockstars. Even the clothing and body language was totally different. It took me about a month to wrap my head around it!! To this day the fly is one of my fave u2 songs and videos.......the edge REALLY was on fire on that one
Streets or The Fly -> The Fly
Two singles...hearing Streets for the first time in 1987 and The Fly in '91. Of the two, The Fly at the time was a WTF moment, just did not sound like U2 at all.
used to play this at full bore to get my daughter off to sleep! it worked every time.
Stuck in a Moment
On February 22nd 2011, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake struck Christchurch, NZ where I was studying at university. Although it wasn’t the biggest earthquake we’ve had, it was by far the most destructive. After it hit, I had a lot of trouble deciding whether I should stay in Christchurch and finish my degree or not. I stayed and I’m glad that I did but there were many more earthquakes and it has been a really difficult time for me. There were moments when I wanted to quit so badly, throw in the towel and move home where it was safe and I didn’t have to worry about the earth no longer being stable under my feet. During those times, one thing that kept me going was U2. I would listen to “Stuck in a Moment” over and over and the line “It’s just a moment, this time will pass” became my mantra. Whenever I wanted to quit, I would think of the song and remember that I would get through this, that soon it would get better. It worked, I stayed and I’m graduating in December. I am terrified of earthquakes but I know that because I stayed here, I am a stronger more resilient person. I know that everyone has trials in their lives and many have been more difficult than mine but that U2 song kept me going and for this I will always be thankful to them.
Beautifu Day - A moment in time and hist
It was a turning point for U2 when 'All That You Can't Leave Behind' was released. They managed to capture the dynamics of the 80's (like Edges soaring guitar) but with a more updated 2000 sensibility. It also makes me sad to think of the video at the airport in pre 9-11 times, and know that a video like that most likely will never be made again. The same with the tour. We saw them in April 2001, and they were a cohesive band of mates with the whole concert having a very celebratory vibe. Not so after 9-11. The whole mood changed, and it felt like the loss of innocence. Their AYCLB album took on a whole new meaning that became remarkably relevant, right down to their Super Bowl half time performance the following January. I'll never forget it.
New Year's Day
I have so many favorites, but as a young teenager looking for something to believe in, in the height of the cold war, the New Year's day single came out on vinyl, along with "(What ever happened to) Pete the Chop" - a very cool song that's hard to find. I must have played that record into the ground, wore out the grooves in it. So good, so much meaning and sonic expression. Loved it. It also had "Fire" live on it, and that was also played until smooth....
Miss Sarajevo
I love this single for its inclusion of the best live version of One I've ever heard, with a rising orchestra that sneaks up on you slowly to the point that you suddenly realize its there when it's full blown. Just beautiful and powerful.
Where the Streets Have No Name.
To me, this song sings about the precarious nature of life on every continent. The potential exists, no matter how remote, that a society can implode. And the consequences of that destruction. We live our lives here in the US as though we are entitled to a tomorrow. But that can change over a period of days, months and years. I feel blessed beyond measure when I hear that song. It makes me float on a cloud of forgiveness.
My love for U2's music, live performances and goodwill has gone back almost 20 yrs. I've never left a live show without feeling that it had foo tbeen a life-changing event though all the goodness & Love that the most amazing band I've ever been blessed enough To Enjoy the music that they shared with the world. I would have to say the onbest influence U2 has ever had on my Life is my U2 partner Jen (aka..My Bono") Jen was also my Best Friend..My soul sister. She was the Best Friend anyone could dream of having in their Life. We were lucky enough to see U2 perform over 20 times. The mutual love we shared for U2's music..graced Our lives with so many amazing memories & a bond like none I've ever known. She was known as Bono & I was The Edge.to all who knew Us. We shared a friendship that lasted almost 20 years & will forever live on in My heart & Soul. Tragically, her life was cut short at the young age of 31. Although I miss her uplifti9ng ways & just being able to talk hang out or to rock out to some good ol' U2 cd's together everyday. All that I learned about having a true friend, about just being a good person, loyalty & strength from her will always be a part of who I am. The memories we have built will forever keep her spirit alive in myself as well as all those blessed enough to know her. I roemember the day Wide awake came out..we listened to that song on repeat 90-30 times. Singing Angel of Harlem onkaraoke with the word SOUL painted in white on the bottom of our black boots. Being blessed enough to make it to NYC less than a month after 9/11/2001.By far ..The most awesome performance either of us had ever experienced. (Named the concert of the year) .Or even memories as silly as jamming to Bad in the Acme parking lot with hairbrush mics just to find out that we had quite the audience. :) So funny! So many surreal memories shared with our love for U2 right at the forefront of our amazing friendship. So my favorite song is a question practically impossible to answer. Love so many! About 2wks ago..I got my very First & only tattoo in honor of the sisterhood shared with my best friend. Old english letters going down my forearm. The word ONE in large letters. With Love & Life going across my wrist. So..I would have to choose "ONE "..as not only one of the best songs of all time but definitely the most memorable as I will see it every time I look down for the rest of my life. : ) Thanks U2 for bringing my dearest friend even closer & for giving Us so many great memories to share for Life. One Love ..Renee (a.k.a The Edge)
Sweetest Thing
The first u2 song i listened to back in '98 and soon became my favourite band along with coldplay and the verve...
Hold Me Thrill Me
I always loved that single from the moment I first heard it. Then one of the nights I saw U2 during the Pop tour at Madison Square Garden They played it and I had never heard it live. I happened to work my way to the very front and was so unbelievably psyched. I had been a U2 fan ever since I was a kid in the 80's and I had seen them so many times but never this close. Bono walked over to the stage right in front of me and he looked at me...then he turned around and shook his very cute butt in my face. I guess that was my Bono moment. Not exactly what I had in mind but a fond memory none the less. Every time I hear that awesome song, I can't help butt (pun intended) smirk!!! Keep shakin' it, Bono!!
Beautiful Day
"See the bird with the leaf in her mouth, after the flood all the colors came out..." I was a sophomore in High School just turning 16 when "Best of 1980-1989" was released. I didn't really know much about U2. My early childhood was in the 1980's, in the US, so I had a peripheral awareness of their "Joshua Tree" singles, but I couldn't tell you anything else about the band. TWO of the guests at my birthday party that year gave me the first "Best of" collection, so it got my attention. For the record - pun intended - that is still an amazing collection to listen to as a whole. It got me. It got me bad. Soon I was picking up all the individual albums, in an order informed by which ones had my most favorite songs from "Best of," a practice that would soon become standard for me when discovering a long-standing artist. It wasn't long, a year or so, until most everything was in my collection. Like much of America, I gravitated at the time to the period between "Unforgettable Fire" and "Achtung Baby." Something about "Pop" wasn't connecting with me, and I kind of wrote the band off as being done. I thought U2 was gone, and had left a great trove of material for me to now discover. Then... an airplane roared across my TV screen with an energetic Bono leaning into the camera while a clashing, banging chord progression and chiming lead guitar soared behind it. U2 were back, with a transformed sound that both pushed forward and looked to the past. "Beautiful Day" was the soundtrack of my favorite band releasing their first huge single during my tenure as an actual fan. The album and the live films that would follow solidified them for me as The Greatest Band On Earth and helped me connect better with BOTH their earliest 3 albums ("Boy" has now been my favorite for some time) AND their 90's explorations ("Pop," "Zooropa," "Original Soundtracks"). The songs refrain would model my approach to the courtship of the girl who would soon become my wife. As we attempted to connect and merge our lives together through busy schedules, "What you don't have you don't need it now..." became the mantra of our early relationship. Now, 10 years on, my wife and I have a band (see http://www.TheGoodAmbition.com) and though we mostly perform original material, "Beautiful Day" has recently become our most requested cover song. "What you don't know you can feel it somehow."
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