Unforgettable Single

10 Aug 2012541
Over on our Discography page you'll find dozens and dozens of singles the band have released over the years.

Starting with U23 way back in 1979 - Out of Control, Stories for Boys, Boy-Girl - the trail leads all the way to 'I'll Go Crazy', third single from No Line On The Horizon, in 2009.

Maybe you'd forgotten Lemon was a single. Or you've never listened to Fire. Or you just recently discovered Please. But there'll be a U2 single that's special to you in some way - the one that comes on the radio or arrives unnoticed when your iPod's on shuffle and suddenly a moment in your life comes back to you.

What was the U2 single that stopped you in your tracks - and still does ?

It might depend on where you were when you first heard it, what was happening in your life, how you first got into the band?

Remind yourself of the history of the band's single releases and look through the promotional videos on this page in our Video Gallery (set aside a week or two for this) -  find the one that reminds you of a time and place in your life.

In the comments below tell us why this song is special for you. Is there a story behind it - an anecdote from your life ?

What brings the track alive for you? What was happening to you at the time you first heard it that means you'll never get over this single?

We have prizes for the best, the funniest, the most moving or surprising entries. Add them in the comments below. Did we mention that ? (Don't forget - we're not talking about any U2 track but about those released as singles...)

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New year's day
It's the first song of U2 I heard back in 1983/84. I was a French teenager and it changed my life. I decided to go for one year to Ireland and I found my wife. Since then U2 has been the soundtrack of our life. So even if One or With or Without you are among my best, I still get the shiver with New Year's Day. We are married 25 years with 4 children and all that thanks to the best band ever. Thanks lads !
Lemon y The Unforgettable Fire
It's hard to choose a single, and more if it is U2, but Lemon is on my playlist in the first place .. the lyrics, the melody, a merger can not find in another song .. and I think I feel the same when reaches the part where it says "And I feel Like I'm slowly, slowly, Slowly slipping under And I feel Like I'm holding onto nothing "is something inexplicable, and another part where Edge sings" A man makes a car And builds roads to run them on A man dreams of leaving You're gonna meet her there ", is the perfect song ... and The Unforgettable Fire discovered it at age 9, but I have 24 and 15 years of that ... I did not know until I was 13 the name of the song, was torture, that when he heard on the radio did not say the name, only that U2 sang .. and it was like being in love with a stranger and so when I finally his name, said that he could breathing calmly
Wake Up Dead Man
I wasn't a huge fan of "Pop" but I bought the CD and gave it my best yet after a few tries of trying to get through the album and find that gem I sadly gave up. Then I bought the DVD U2 Go Home Live from Slane Castle. I love the sound of U2 live and how they somehow manage every time to get under the skin I love the live DVD's with the different twists and turns the classic favorites take, it breathes new life into a song and you feel like it's all brand new and never been heard before, whatever appreciation you had for the song just seems to go deeper. I played the DVD as background music while I was doing my cleaning. Wake Up Dead Man came on and Bono's voice was hauntingly pure. It gripped me and stopped me cold in my tracks and I had to sit down and press repeat over and over again as I felt the wave of emotions run through my body. It still has the same effect years later and it has turned into a prayer for me when the days get rough. I hoped on the U2360 tour that the boys would grace us with Wake Up Dead Man or that it would appear on an album as a re-release, a b-side, a rarity but it hasn't yet. There are other songs from U2 but this is the one that stands out the most; the song that isn't given it's justice on "Pop" but certainly was given the voice and power and space it deserved, played live, undistorted and sang with so much emotion and heart, that if I had a wish fulfilled I'd ask for this song to be recorded in its entirety this way and re-released.
Beautiful Day
I was 5 years old, my dad was a Dj and he played this song on radio too many times. It makes me remember good old times of happiness. I am 13 years old now and I listen all the week "The best of 1990-2000" It is excellent.
Bad & Sometimes You Can't Make it On You
I had borrowed a copy of WAR from my sister in 1984 and thought this band is cool. I didn't pursue listening to any more U2 until that performance of BAD at Live Aid, and that was it I was hooked the performance was just incredible....and its amazing to find out that the band were fuming with Bono for going walkabout and not being able to play Pride....this was a pinnacle moment in their success. Sometimes You Can't Make it On Your Own has and incredibly personal connection for me. throughout my life U2 have always had a song that could help me through any situation, including my own exposure to a terrorist act and the IRA. But, the most emotional one has come to an end recently after my Dad's long battle with Leukaemia which he lost. Whilst he was going through his first course of chemo a couple of years ago. I wrote him a letter and included the lyrics from Sometimes You Can't Make It. He asked me to get a copy of it and play it to him on the ipod. About 6 months later I ran charity run and did a gig in the local pub for the hospital. I sang Sometimes at the gig for my Dad......I couldn't look at him but I managed to the high note during the lyric "Can you hear me when I sing" It said everything I needed to say to my Dad at that point. I still find it incredible that the band that I fell i love with in 1985 still manages to write and produce music, that helps me through every moment.........Thank You Bono, Edge, Larry and Adam!
the subject of u2/Bono being an Illuminati.....work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.....biblical principals...or if Bob Dylan fell from grace....lnevermind them...look at yourself,dont fall into that same old trap Satan has so cleverly devised...
New Years Day(live)
Heard it repeatedly on a jukebox in a local amusements found out the band bought Under A Blood Red Sky and so started a near 30yr obsession, every single and album from 84 onwards. Big thanks to whoever kept putting it on. Spanish Eyes live at the SECC in 1987 is right up there as well
Beautiful Day
Because It makes my day every day
Pride in the name of love
Already loved the music of U2, but with Pride I danced a slow with my great love. Her love for him is over, the love for U2 will never end. Antonietta Vox Todaro whit love
ONE and only !
This ONE is so special, It just might be the most beautiful song ever written and preformed by a rock band! Moving words, smooth melody, it just wraps you up and hugs you like a warm blanket on a cold Quebec winter’s day. First time I ever heard it, I thought it had been written especially for the AIDS campaign. Then I found out about the difficult circumstances surrounding the birth of this masterpiece and what it was really about. I was surprised but also relieved that my favourite band did survive this tempest and would continue giving us such great music. But today, what goes through my mind whenever I hear ONE, is much more personal. Two years ago, I had to put my fighting gloves against breast cancer for the second time… So ONE day, as this poison was running through my veins and as I was listening to random U2 songs on my IPod, I felt a pinching and burning sensation in my «plugged arm». I took off ONE of my earplugs and called the nurse. She checked out the catheter … and put a pillow under my arm and asked me if it was better this way... At the exact same moment, I heard Bono singing in my right ear “Is it getting better…or do you feel the same? Will it make it easier on you now…” I froze for a moment! Water was blurring my vision; she noticed and asked me again if everything was ok. I was deeply moved, had the sensation that Bono was singing this ONE for ME! Then I felt the urge to write down something, a poem while listening over and over again this ONE song... Only to realize a few days later that my words would almost fit perfectly ONE’s melody… And now sometimes when I hear it, I would sing over Bono’s voice, like a mantra, I sing my own words titled “Healing poison”. Dlorr
Hands-down one of the best songs ever written by U2. Lyrically and musically right up there with the best of the best. I will never forget hearing it live for the first time. Smack dab in the middle of Bullet The Blue Sky and Streets. It was the perfect bridge between those two tracks and still my all-time favorite group of songs they've ever played live. Like so many of their songs, the meanings can shift and change and grow as the needs of the listener changes and with this song, what started as an anthem for peace in Ireland shifted to a eulogy for Princess Diana after her passing in the middle of the tour. And to hear the delivery of the song at the 97 MTV VMA's less than a week after her death proves just how much.
do i need to say more?
With or without you
This is the first U2 song i ever heard!
With or Without You
This song was just way ahead of its time, and I remember hearing it in the 80's and being thankful there was finally someone on the charts that was representing my generation that I could be proud of. It was really the first time I felt part of something big. A phenomenon that was going on, and I was part of it like the rest of the world.
If God will sens hia angels
Great tune..so authentic and real U2 song... Not to mention how well it lasts in time with its lyrics... (in the CD single you would also find the "Two shots of happy, one shot of sad" tune,...with the "silent" happy birthday Frank at the end of the tune as it fades out...)
Where the Streets Have No Name
So many U2 songs remind me of a time and a place in my life. Songs like Bloody Sunday, New Years Day, Zoo Station, Miss Sarajevo, Walk On (to name a few) chronicle the 30 years I spent in a classroom as a Social Studies teacher. As all U2 fans know, the songs are always timely, brilliant, relevant... Dear Bono, Larry, Edge, and Adam...THANK YOU for the "assist" in my teaching career. You made it so much easier to make historical and current events relevant to teenagers!! I had seen U2 in Houston several times before the 360 Tour, but between 2009 and 2011 I treated myself to 8 of the 360 Tour shows (New York, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Las Vegas, Denver, Chicago, Minneapolis). I turned 50 exactly one week before Bono turned 50 (my birthday is May 3), and then the following May I retired from 30 years in Texas public schools. I could not think of a better way to celebrate!! Amazing does not even come close to describing it. The four of you never disappoint. You just keep getting better and better. Thank you for being such an important part of my life. Now, all that being said....if I had to choose only one single that gets me EVERY time and touches the depths of my soul, it would be Streets. Everything about it... Larry's drum, Edge's guitar, the lyrics, the energy of the crowd. For me, it is what life is all about - it is a gift from God above. The shows where Amazing Grace was the segue into Streets brought tears. Brilliant, beautiful, HALLELUJAH!! I am eternally grateful to the four of you.
New Years Day
Because it Always Reminds Me Of The Cherished Loved Ones Who Have Passed Into Paradise Before Me And How I Believe GOD's Promise That I Will Meet Them There One Day!!! Also How I Carry Them In My Heart Where Ever I Go And No Matter Who I Am With!!! Find Me On Facebook (Robert Higgins) (Group=SHARING GRACE)
I had been l listening to U2 since they put out their first record. I loved Sunday Bloody Sunday and New Years Day and I Will Follow and Where the Streets Have No Name and With or Without You and I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For. But it was Desire that really hit me. And I don't know why. I can't put it into words or explain it. It was something about the melody, the guitars, the drums, the lyrics...."over the counter with that shotgun, pretty soon everybody's got one". It was and is a sign of the times. It was Bono's voice. It was the MUSIC. I fell hopelessly and helplessly in love with U2 at that moment and have never looked back. Rattle and Hum still remains one of my all time favorite records
I had been listening to U2 since they put out their first record. I loved New Years Day and Sunday Bloody Sunday and I Will Follow and Where the Streets Have No Name and With or Without You and I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For. But it was Desire that really hit me. And to this day I don't know why.
Where indeed!
Where the Streets Have No Name is the one that gets to me everytime, especially after I experienced my first live U2 concert. I find myself holding my breath until the drums kick in, waiting for them. And live in concert, when the house lights come up, it's sheer magic. I guess it's the closest thing to a religious experience I've ever had. And every time I hear the song, every time, I feel the same way. Magnificent is also a magic song for me. I just love the way it's structured musically and find myself, a la the guy on Seinfeld who got teary eyed for Desperado, staring off in the distance and losing myself in the song when it comes on.
Beautiful Day
I don't remember when I first heard Beautiful Day, but it really took hold after Congresswoman Gabby Giffords was shot. Her spirit and courage amazed me and so did this song. This song reminds me what a beautiful day it is every day. I wake up to this song and every time I hear Beautiful Day, it ALWAYS makes me smile and see the beauty of my life. I painted a canvas for Congresswoman Giffords and myself with the lyrics on them. I'm not sure if she ever recieved them, but I like to think she did and she smiles, like I do, whenever I see the painted lyrics. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Mark Kelly and then watch in awe his video from the ISS for the song. Beautiful Day has truly made me enjoy the beauty of life and all that comes with the journey. Thank you for such an amazing song!
Pride (in the name of love)
My aunt Ellie is the one who introduced me to u2. She was in love with Bono and I was only a little child and did'nt understand that. But she played your music often and Pride was my favorite and still is. It give me the feeling standig on a very high cliff overseeing a valley. It gives me the feeling of freedom and screeming my longs out. I love this song!!!!
The Unforgettable Fire
I was first introduced to U2 in 1987 by a group of friends I made while traveling for several high-school XC races. We listened to a lot of music on our trips, but I specifically remember listening to The Unforgettable Fire and falling in love with that song, and soon after the entire album (the vinyl which I purchased way back when & still own!!) and U2. Not only did I fall in love with that song, but I fell head over heels for one of the guys. He and I dated for a short time but eventually lost touch in the early 90s during college. Whenever I heard The Unforgettable Fire, I wondered what he was up to, where had life taken him? I guess in some ways, for me, he was the one that got away. We both got married (to other people) in the late 90s, but by the late 2000s, we were both getting divorces. I (almost) hate to admit it, but thanks to facebook and a mutual friend, we reconnected online late last year. Now, when I listen to The Unforgettable Fire, it has a new meaning for me, because I didn’t really *think* about the lyrics before. When we reconnected, neither of us was sure what was going to happen. I will never forget the first time I actually saw him again. I was so nervous! Were we simply going to besiege each other and be done? “And if the mountain should crumble, or disappear into the sea, not a tear, no not I…” ... he’s still my unforgettable fire…
Bulldog Greg
Pride(In The Name Of Love)
I had been a fan since pretty much day one. 'Gloria' was the first song that hooked me to U2. But this song came along at a time when music was very boring, as far as I was concerned. I've never tired of it, or the film clip. Whenever I hear it I think back to that time in my life circa 1984. Edge's guitar riff is just magnificent. But for me, what makes the song is Adam's bass. I still get tingles when I hear it after all these years. A true classic.
During my first year of college, in nine short months, I made some very close friendships with the best group of people I had ever met. Unfortunately, I had to transfer to another college the following year. To make matters worse, I couldn't get housing on campus and had to find an appartment off campus -- way off campus -- and take a bus back and forth. I went from having the closest of friends with whom I did everything to having no friends at all nearby. Those were some of my darkest days. My thoughts would often go back 5 years when a friend of mine committed suicide at the age of 16. Whenever the loneliness and pain grew, I would pop my cassette of "Wide Awake in America" in my stereo and play "Bad" over and over again. The emotion Bono put forth in that rendition would somehow envelop me and give me the strength to move forward a little bit longer, until eventually, a couple of years later, I could actually see that light at the end of the tunnel. I know a lot of people say it, but I've been a U2 fan since before they were a world sensation. They've been such an incredible influence on my life and lifted me up when I've needed it the most. To this day, every time I hear "Bad" play, it gives me chills and reminds me of a time when I had to fight harder than I ever have before. And when I see what my life is like today, I am extremely grateful that I did.
The Fly
I will NEVER ever forget that night back in 1991 while listening to my favorite music radio station in bed they played the first single off "Achtung Baby" 15 seconds preview. It broke my soul forever in regards to U2, since I previously disliked the band. That guitar riff made my hair stand up and still does to this very moment if I think of it, and I can feel it right now... That was the pivotal and turning point to the band's career and for me. Let's just say "thank God for Berlin"...
A texan looks to irish Homecoming
The Unforgettable Fire started it all for me. I heard Pride on the radio and i had to go pick up the cassette, but like all the U2 album works since my first purchase, i couldn't stop listening.... The Unforegettable Fire just kept me pushin the rewind button. Took years before i found out the song was about the Japan traveling art of Hiroshima. I felt sad i couldn't pick up the images Bono was writing about. When i listened to Unforegettable fire i was seeing a man running from death by alcohol. Thank you U2 for a lifetime journey by creating music that soars above the earth and makes my heart sing and all tunes connect in their own way. Plus the five concert tours i rocked to ,,,, are un matched U2 music with lovin fans is truely amazing. I feel so blessed to live in this generation of U2. My Runner up song is " Til the End of the World" i cry every time i hear it . tears of sorrow and tears of joy. I m waiting for you Jesus.
Still haven't found (what I'm looking fo
I was in a car accident, nearly lost my life. Was in hospital for almost two months, and practically had to learn how to walk again after a broken pelvis & hip. After a couple of months, I just stumbled on a live version (I think it was from Milan) and I just knew I had to see them, feel that energy myself. So brought a ticket and went to see them in Athens. Quite risky as I was still recovering and having difficulty walking but oh wow, was it worth it! Middle of the song, I called the most important person in my life - my mom - who was beside me through the whole hospital ordeal. And listening, I just knew, there was so much more to it, life, and it was worth it - even if you haven't found it, or ever will. Even if you're still looking. It's been two years since. Saw them again at Glastonbury last year and whilst I couldn't name a favourite song, as I love them all, I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For has become my theme song.
During my first year of college, in nine short months, I made some very close friendships with the best group of people I had ever met. Unfortunately, I had to transfer to another college the following year. To make matters worse, I couldn't get housing on campus and had to find an appartment off campus -- way off campus -- and take a bus back and forth. I went from having the closest of friends with whom I did everything to having no friends at all nearby. Those were some of my darkest days. My thoughts would often go back 5 years when a friend of mine committed suicide at the age of 16. Whenever the loneliness and pain grew, I would pop my cassette of "Wide Awake in America" in my stereo and play "Bad" over and over again. The emotion Bono put forth in that rendition would somehow envelop me and give me the strength to move forward a little bit longer, until eventually, a couple of years later, I could actually see that light at the end of the tunnel. I know a lot of people say it, but I've been a U2 fan since before they were a world sensation. They've been such an incredible influence on my life and lifted me up when I've needed it the most. To this day, every time I hear "Bad" play, it gives me chills and reminds me of a time when I had to fight harder than I ever have before. And when I see what my life is like today, I am extremely grateful that I did.
All I Want is You
i am 38 years old and been a U2 fan since school, once i heared All I Want is You i promised myself that would be my first dance at my wedding and i was in my early teens then still at school when i decided that ! ha i met my husband in 1994 and we got married in the Millenium and had our rececption at Aintree Racecourse in Liverpool, this day was one of the happiest day of my life but a sad one too as i lost 2 nans and a very close uncle the year of our wedding and we left their chairs empty so we felt they were with us in our hearts ! when i watch our wedding video and see our first dance to All I Want is You, and the words'you say you want diamonds on a ring of gold...'it make my hairs on my arms stand up it signifies what a truly special day it was and the people who meant so much to us were there in spirit as well as our loving family. it still is my favourite U2 song xxx
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