'Where We Are Now'

4 Nov 20149
The new edition of Hot Press has just hit the streets.

Olaf Tyaransen caught up with the band on the plane to Germany. Here's some of the highlights.

On Dublin

'Once we figured out that it was about Dublin and our lyrical connection to the city, this kind of playground...we started working on ideas and it became evident that we actually had a two-record set coming into focus. Songs of Experience would be the forward-looking, maybe a bit more experimental, futuristic take on things. Bono has been playing around with some very interesting lyrical ideas, one of which is the old Bono and the younger Bono actually managing to have some conversations which I think is a great idea...'

On Songs Of Innocence

'It absolutely represents where we are as a band that's been around for a long time. I'm always a little bit wary about that thing of looking back and trying to rationalise where you came from, but I think in certain ways,  it revitalised some of the things that made us. Looking back on that energy and intuition that we had as 18-year olds, as 20-year olds... it's amazing that we got from there to where we are now.'

On The Album Cover
'I'm holding onto him, but what you don't see in the picture is that he's holding on to me as well. There's 18 years in that picture and there's emotion and heartbreak and love and pain and all those things.. and nobody will know what that is. It's public but it's still got that intimacy and that's between him and I...'

On Dealing With Negative Reactions

'I have an umbrella. I've had it with me for 30 years now. When the shit-storm comes, as it continually does, I just put it up. You know the thing about (the song) 'Cedarwood Road', I realised that a lot of me still lives there. I'm still on that street. Still need an enemy. The worst ones,  I can't say. I almost like all this. I must just need a row to get up out of bed in the morning because I keep finding myself in them...'
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Don't let it go out....
No end to love.....of U2
Not sure if you guys ever read these but here it goes....I am grateful for the free album. Thank you Father Christmas!!! I also bought the CD
Good Times
It's a good time to be a U2 fan, big big rewards here with this new record and everything surrounding it. Love how it was released, love the controversy, love the songs, love the live versions, love the passion and pride they're showing in their own work.. What a band !! What a career !! .... Legends !!
I was raised to the sound of Jean Michel Jarre, Pink Floyd and Supermax, I would say generally more electronic music than anything else. Never thought I would find The Magic in rock music, but I really did in U2. Hallelujah!
Suggestion for the tour and something ab
I've read in several different interviews that there is this desire to explore on tour some acoustic sounds. A more intimate show over another. I admit I much prefer shows with maximum sound with The Edge's guitar releasing as best it fits, thick bass lines of Adam and those military drums of Larry. But there is this desire with acoustic sound, I think that you could return to the sound of the Drowning Man, I love those lyrics and those vocals and I imagine it might be interesting in this proposed of acoustic show, especially considering the theme of Songs of Innocence, a time to pray for God to light you of the troubles. About the Songs of Experience, despite being an album with unbelievable silence until then, I really think good thoughts of what will be. The description of the creation process and the way the sound is addressing is excellent. You've cited as being more moments with celebration, but I imagine that the phase of the experiment there is also the burden, the dark side of the walk to be overcome. But I take this time also to say that I heard the whole discography in recent days and Songs of Innocence seems to me increasingly consistent. Don't hide the electric versions of the album too much.
Nothing like taking your time and leavin
For good or bad, this is a 'perfect' U2 album: made to measure and fit the four who created it. It is well formed and demonstrates the art of a band which have been at it for 4 decades. I think the problem arises when people have unrealistic expectations. U2 aren't the 'greatest band ever' - but no one is. The best we can do is apprecaite the art as compared to the artist and not some imagined, unfathomable and ultimately unrealistic litmus test for greatness. These songs are good and when live, they are great - just listen to Volcano on Jools Holland. The breakdown in the middle is classic rock and the slow and low groove just builds and builds until you can;t help but shake with it. You can't do that overnight. It takes years.
'Where We Are Now'
Feedback? Some say it is at the edge magic occurs. …. whatever that means :)
Remain together my friends.
Remain together my friends.
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