Which One ?

13 Sep 2011353

Twelve timeless tracks, twenty years old next month. But which is the one song from Achtung Baby that will always have a special place in your life ?

The single releases from the album colonised the airwaves in the early 1990's while tracks like Ultraviolet  and Until The End of the World have become live mainstays.

The Fly will always signal the moment when The Joshua Tree started toppling, Mysterious Ways has that unforgettable groove and One... what else is there to say about One?

But there are twelve tracks on this album and maybe your own Achtung Baby moment is none of these.

Which one song will always make it onto your U2 greatest hits collection - and why does it means so much to you ?

Who does it make you think of? Where were you when you first heard it? What is it about for you...  and why can you never let it go?

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Until the End of the World
This would have to be my favorite. Coming in at a close second is 'Who's gonna ride your wild horses'. There are so many great songs on that album, it really is hard to choose.
Mysterious ways
The first time I heard it was on a trip to ME for 2 weeks (either hiking or canoeing), one of the other participants had achtung, and let me listen to it. I was floored with the whole cassette (LOL). Would've listened to it the whole trip if he would've let me. Got home, bought it, had to replace it (wore it out), bought it on cd, had to replace that too!!! Only cd or cassette I ever had to replace from being worn out!!! I FINALLY got to see U2 on their last tour, and that was the only had to hear song. The entire concert was amazing, I'll never forget that night. I'll always be thankful to Nick for introducing me to the love of my life.
Amazing lyrics and an an awesome sound. I don't think it has ever been played live. Achtung is one of my favorite albums.
Helle Dissing
The one and only. It is my favourite song from this album and the best song from U2. Words can not tell what I feel when listening to this fantastic song. I like the song with Mary J. Blige as well. ACHTUNG BABY is my favourite album. Thanks U2.
Just an iconic song.
So Cruel
Definitely, So Cruel. However Love is blindness and one are close for me!
Ultra Violet (Light My Way)
My absolute favourite by far! Close second is So Cruel and Tryin' to Throw Your Arms Around the World, for the best ever lyrics in a song; "and a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle" - CLASSIC!!
For me this is a such an easy choice. The lyrics and music to this song just seem to resonate with me on so many levels. One is not only my favourite song on Achtung Baby, but would probably rank as my favourite song of all time and I have a lot of favourite songs....... Having said that though, the whole album is a masterpiece.
in dreams begin responsibilities....
Mysterious Ways
Although you couldn't go wrong with The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Until the End of the World, One, Zoo Station or....i may as well just name 'em all!! lol But Mysterious Ways is my 2nd fave U2 song of all time behind Pride...something about its groove, its emotion, its POWER to inspire....you just cannot get any better than Mysterious Ways!
Zoo Station & Ultraviolet!!
Those are my 2 favorites off Actung Baby, but I have to say zoo station live off the zoo tv tour is the best I've always had a soft spot for the Actung baby album anyway! But I always end up playing ultraviolet loud!! Love U2 full stop!!
So Cruel, One
They are all so great really but these 2 are absolutely amazing, what more can one write about a relationship that didn't work out, and ONE is a lesson for life...how different could the world be if only we heard the lyrics of this song! HOW MUCH CAN THE WORLD LEARN FROM YOUR MUSIC...THANKS FOR KEEPING MY SOUL CLEAN!
Zoo Station
is the stand out for me, Just love that track, it has everything brilliant lyrics that drive you on & building music that just goes like a train,can't beat it. the album in truth is the best u2 album & one off the best albums of all time. wish they where doing a 20th anniversary tour playing the album from start to finish.
Zoo Station
It is virtually impossible to pick a song from this album, so I have chosen the opener. I still remember how that opening guitar totally swept me off my feet. It was so different from anything I ever heard before, and still it was U2. It set the tone for the entire album. Even today, that song still has the same effect on me
until the end of the world
edge's best guitar solo!
so cruel
the whole album is awsome bt if i had to pick one, with any hesitation, i choose so cruel. it´s an amazing song full of passion. for me, and forgive me lord for what i´m about to say, even better than one
Great Album
"Until the End of the World" tops the list, only because I heard it on a movie compilation album prior to getting a copy of 'Actung'. Mysterious Ways, Zoo Station, Even Better Than the Real Thing.....they're all excellent....
Love is blindness
It just gets right into your hart.
Until The End of The World
Fell in love with it in the concerts. Amazing! Though there is not a single lousy songs in that album. Maybe the best album. Keep On Going U2!!!
Acrobat and Love is Blindness
Acrobat maybe only for this: Don'let the bastards grind you down.... sometimes it give me the courage to go on and I don't break down myself. Love is blindness is the perfect description of our instinct. when we want something we don't consider anything.... but only this. Thanks U2 for what you ALWAYS give me, I love you
monkeyboy40, i hope you are a writer for a living for your post summed up so many feelings. i love acrobat, ultraviolet, zoo station, mysterious ways, so cruel, all of them! but your words about one being timeless hit the mark. love, loss, growth, renewal and learning to love each other again.
So Cruel - one of U2's greatest songs
What a beautiful, haunting, cynical, song this is. I can't belive that they don't play this song live anymore instead of the same classics. Bono has never written a more complicated, and truthful song about a relationship gone bad. Superb playing by the band, and wonderful singing by Bono. One of my favourite U2 songs ever.
this song moves me in such a powerful way. still hoping to hear it live. Thank you U2 for making such a powerful song that speaks to our stuggle as humans to have our actions match our words and beliefs!
Come on now guys...
I can't do it. Like all great U2 albums picking your favorite song is like picking your favorite child. These are my favorites: One, Until the End of The World, Love is Blindness, Acrobat, Ultra-Violet & So Cruel. I realize that's half the album, but I can't help it, such a great album!
"So cruel" and "One"
"Aghtung Baby" has unique sounds and the most evoquing songs of U2. I remember once walking all alone in a residential neighbourhood in Berlin, at midnight, listening to this album, singing loud with me earphones on, not knowing that it was recorded in that city and saying to myself: "wow, how conected to this city is "Aghtung baby". Something energetic, atmospheric. This is what an piece of art does: comunicating ideas, feelings, states of mind and emotions to people who has an open heart, This album made me a superfan of U2.
Acrobat, Until the End of the World and
I just can't live without this wonderful pieces of our reality and the human condition written down.
Zoo Station
Even though I had followed them since 84', the first time I saw U2 was the Zoo TV Tour in 1992. When the concert opened with the long hypnotic beginning of Zoo Station, I was mesmerized. I have always remembered the rush I got from that moment, and I get it every time I hear that song. U2 is truly the worlds greatest live band.
Every single song from 1979 to 2011
While I love every single song in the U2 library including Pop. The songs on AB that I cant leave behind would be One and Acrobat. But I would be lost without The Unforgetable Fire and Bad. My 5 year old daughter loved Wild Honey so you can see that we would need alot of different songs from this great band. Chills are always present, thank you U2.
who's gonna RIDE your WILD HORSES
Great song about losing someone you love and feeling unable to get her back. Great song to shout and feel blue. It's up to u. All the others users made comments about others songs, totally agree with them. Great disk and we should support all its poems
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