Which One ?

13 Sep 2011353

Twelve timeless tracks, twenty years old next month. But which is the one song from Achtung Baby that will always have a special place in your life ?

The single releases from the album colonised the airwaves in the early 1990's while tracks like Ultraviolet  and Until The End of the World have become live mainstays.

The Fly will always signal the moment when The Joshua Tree started toppling, Mysterious Ways has that unforgettable groove and One... what else is there to say about One?

But there are twelve tracks on this album and maybe your own Achtung Baby moment is none of these.

Which one song will always make it onto your U2 greatest hits collection - and why does it means so much to you ?

Who does it make you think of? Where were you when you first heard it? What is it about for you...  and why can you never let it go?

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Zoo Station
The whole album has been a soundtrack to the different phases of my adult life. It is the only album that I have connected with, at times of extreme emotions, over such a long time. Zoo Station up loud gives me a feeling of being alive and can pull me out of a flatness and remind me to keep on going like no other song. When my teenage niece was going through a very hard time, I sat her in the car and blasted us with it with our eyes shut and I told her she needed to find the song that could do that for her. It was a last resort trying to reach her. Achtung Baby took me through romance and developing love, through 2 pregnancies and sleepless nights trying to get babies to sleep. Someone once asked me what album I'd take to a deserted island and scoffed that it wasn't classical but I absolutely stand by my choice: it has been enduring and malleable to every part of my life. An extraordinary gift to get that kind of emotional connection.
Wild Horses
Achtung Baby was the album that made me fall in love with U2--the first time I listened to it was on tape, with headphones on my walkman. It was a revelation. The entirety of that record has left an indelible mark on my ears, my heart and my soul. There is no line more poignant to me, that gives me chills, every time I hear it, than: "Hallelujah, heaven's white rose, the doors you open, I just can't close....don't turn around." Thank you boys, for opening a door I just couldn't close!
can't pick just one
I don't think I can pick just one. This entire album is why U2 is my favorite band. I was about 12 years old when my aunt gave me Achtung Baby on tape (the Pop album had just come out) and that was the first time I remember really caring about music. The entire thing was just phenomenal, it truly changed my life. "The Fly" is my favorite U2 song ever. Ultraviolet (Light My Way), Until the End of the World, So Cruel, Acrobat, Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses...They're all amazing and they all awakened my passion for this band.
Mysterious Ways...
Yup. That's it. I *am* a belly dancer after all! :o)
There is just something about this song that resonates with me, even today. It's not only my favorite song on the album, it is my favorite U2 song, and my favorite song of all time. "Did you come here for forgiveness, did u come to raise the dead? Did you come here to play Jesus to the lepers in your head." That says it all
Love is Blindness
Funny, at the time I was in love with a guy that covered this song on his acoustic guitar. He was the one to re-introduce me to U2. It was though his inspiration that I began to listen to U2 through the ears of a musician. I still do that and am still really impressed.
Until the End of the World
This song really touched a nerve at age 16, the longing, wanting and darkness subthemes in the song just worked. It was some of the Edge's finest work. I still go to another place whenever i hear it, live or on the album. Every time I hear it, it's like the first time I've heard it.
Mysterious ways
My all time favourite song and favourite lyrics. It's just beautiful. I have the lyrics "To touch is to heal, to hurt is to steal, if you want to touch the sky, better learn how to kneel", written on a huge wall sticker on my wall. But honestly how can anyone live without the entire album?
Love is Blindness
Sonic greatness! Mood, texture, depth....E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G!!!
Until the End of the World [I think]
I say "I think" because it is hard to pick. This is the album that was the tipping point for me. I was a casual fan and then I heard "Mysterious Ways" and saw the video. WOW! Is that really Bono?? I got the cd and was blown away by the lushness and passion of every song. I was hopelessly hooked and have been so ever since. Achtung Baby was and is the most impressive collection of songs U2 have ever written.
Love Is Blindness
This one was my favourite from the first time I heard it and has remained in my top five ever since. There is a point where you can close your eyes in this song & feel as though you are falling into darkness ...
Until The End Of The World
So much of what's happening on Achtung Baby is a challenge to their own fans. This was deliberate, of course, and it put to the test many fans where devotion was concerned. This is their Dylan Goes Electric/Elvis Comeback '68/Bowie In Berlin/Sgt Pepper moment, and not everyone got it at first. They loved it in the end, but I remember a kind of depression hitting me when The Fly dropped. I kept wondering what had happened to my favorite band! It was compulsive listening, even if I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about it. Those songs grew on me, becoming the soundtrack to the ensuing winter of 1991-1992. I was in love, had my driver's license, and had a great group of friends to share the listening experience with. The strange soul of this record took hold, and Until The End Of The World is the epic, a devastating statement of intent. Judas meets Jesus at Gethsamene, betrayal, regret, joy, and the greatest guitar riff on the record, possibly the best U2 riff on record full stop. Only bettered in concert. The song always made me feel like I could do what I dreamed. Chills every time. Can't miss, people!
Very easy for me: Acrobat. It was really the song that really throw me away (Did I say "really" twice!). Music and lyrics are just dead on!
Miriam Jonker
Love is blindness
Achtung Baby is definitely my nr. one U2 album and all the songs compete to be my favorite. One is a precious thought provoking gem and Love is blindness always casts is spell with its lyrics and haunting music. Love the album!!!
All of them!!!
I can't choose just one, their songs in some way were/is part my life... I grew up with them, with their music... they sing my life!!! In a misterious way, I still have found what I'm looking for and sometimes you, me, us can't make it in our own, walking on in a city of blinding minds where the streets have no name... with or without it's still been a beautiful day. Maybe my desire is live in Heartland maybe all I want is you 'cause eveyone forgot but we are just ONE. Where did it all gone wrong? Man a new years day will come, Always!!!!!
And the entire album. One stikes a sharp cord inside me and it never fails to rock my soul. So does So Cruel. Achtung Baby is a very important album to me. It helped me through times when I was ill or sad or even when I just felt like celebrating life. Oh and I love, love, love, from Joshua Tree, Running to Stand Still.
Even Better Than The Real Thing!!!!
This song is kinda of my personal anthem, i cant live without it, but i really consider that Achtung Baby is by far, the best U2 Album!!! I really love it!!!
Stay, Faraway so close
Such an amazing song. But I honestly can't pick one. I love so so many......
Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses
The very first song of U2, I'm ashamed to admit, I ever heard. Bono's voice was like a magnet. After years of physical rehab because of injuries from a drunk driver, I was finally able to renew and update my love of music. Though many other songs before and since touch my soul, I would never have been able to experience the truth, pain, emotion, social consciousness and poetry of these 4 amazing guys .
and second would have to be "Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses" but in saying that the whole album is perfection
All together the album is one of my favorites (along with the Joshua Tree album) of all the U2 albums over the years. None catches the spirit of that time better. I especially love ONE as it combines the harmony, the rhythm, the melody and the lyrics so well. I love how the energy builds up, how it seems like by listening I am drawn deeper and deeper into the soul of the song - "We get to carry each other!"
Reminds me of a wonderful girl I use to know!
until the end of the world
u2 s masterpiece of all time and records
You can't leave this behind ;-)
I'm ready to ride wild horses until the end of the world and under the ultraviolet we could be one, even if I'm trying to throw my arms around the girl. I'm the fly there up on the wall of the zoo station making things in mysterious ways that are better than the real thing. You are so cruel even if in a state of blindness (love?) while jumping like an acrobat.
Wild Horses
The most passionate and sincere song U2 have ever written. It not rarely played live because I believe it is very difficult to rekindle that passion on a nightly basis.Bono at his facetious best!
Achtung, my baby
This album came into my life at a turning point. U2 came into my life then too. I was on the edge, looking down, trying to figure how far I could fall and finish it all. My best friend told me to "listen to this" and it was The Fly. My heart exploded and I have been taken in ever since. My story of survival is going to be written with U2 all the way through it. Thank you Bono and boys for your words, your voices, your beat, your bass. I love it all and it ripples through me. I love the entire album but One talks of lost love, Ultraviolet talks of life and Until the End of the World talks to me of hope, when I need it so much. Keep singing guys! Love you! XXX
Love is Blindness
Achtung Baby is easily my favourite album. Brilliant lyrics, timeless, passionate etc. But Love is Blindness has got to be the best closing song to any album. Ever.
Just go listen to it. The music, the lyrics, the message.....the trifecta incarnate.
The Fly and One
The whole album was amazing and still stands the test of time. Unlike most songs, I loved "One" from the first moment I heard it. It has proved to be one of the best songs of the last 20 years and along with Sunday Bloody Sunday, probably contains the best U2 lyrics. The Fly was just a new innovative sound and I remember playing it dozens of times on the jukebox in the bar I was working at. I turned a lot of people onto U2 by playing this song, and it is still one of my favorites live.
Having merely heard of U2 and knowing none of the songs to which they were connected, I heard One on the radio in March 2002, recorded it the next time it came on and listened to it six times that night--my U2 devotion thus nearly twenty years. After listening to Achtung Baby a few times, I liked only One, The Fly and So Cruel. But the album grew on me, as has every album and song by this incomparable group. It would take many more words to express what this album means to me, but consider it said that One encompasses such a range of thoughts and feelings that it means everything.
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