Which One ?

13 Sep 2011353

Twelve timeless tracks, twenty years old next month. But which is the one song from Achtung Baby that will always have a special place in your life ?

The single releases from the album colonised the airwaves in the early 1990's while tracks like Ultraviolet  and Until The End of the World have become live mainstays.

The Fly will always signal the moment when The Joshua Tree started toppling, Mysterious Ways has that unforgettable groove and One... what else is there to say about One?

But there are twelve tracks on this album and maybe your own Achtung Baby moment is none of these.

Which one song will always make it onto your U2 greatest hits collection - and why does it means so much to you ?

Who does it make you think of? Where were you when you first heard it? What is it about for you...  and why can you never let it go?

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cant pick just one
the album as a whole were just the best and then zooropa well i just loved that time in music and still do
Ultra Violet
This song has helped me through many of my darker hours in the past 20 years. Never have I heard a song that gave me as much hope that all will be well in the end as this song. Feel like trash, you make me feel clean, I'm in the black can't see or be seen... Baby, light my way!
Please come to next Rock in Rio
If you were smart enough to see any ZOO T.V. shows, the song would have to be... "TRYING TO THROW YOUR ARMS AROUND THE WORLD".
I heard this song for the firsttime on the U2 360 tour in Toronto!and it was so sensual,sogood!!! will always have aspecial in my place in my heart!!!
The awakening of the self
I was 19, just left home, starting at Art College, met my first love, which has now gone but is not forgotten... I was meeting new exciting people who had different perspectives, different identities and belonged to different tribes. It was a melting pot of ideas, Achtung Baby was the soundtrack, the backdrop of a sense of discovery of self. The Fly was the first tune, I heard it on the late night radio. I thought wow, this can't be U2, sonically it was so different, so vital, aggressive but sexy. What a sound, it blew my mind and I wanted more. Then one, a broken love song, a song of hope. So many ideas expressed in one song. As a song this has grown over the years for me, taken on different meanings, bitter sweet. Then the album was out, I bought it on vinyl, again what is this sound, Zoo Station, I had to check the needle on my record player, I thought it was covered in dust. No way is that Edge on guitar, no way can that be Bono singing. It was new, fresh, exciting and so cutting edge creatively. Then the rest of the album, sonically like a roller coaster ride, grabbing you by the balls and taking you on an adventure. Amazing. As an album it gets better with time. It's a classic and a main stay in my playlist of life. Still as vital and relevant today as 20 years ago. One is still the track, it means so much to me. It charts the passage of love and loss of growth and renewal, of learning to love again.
The cd has so many great songs. But this is the songs that's always there when i need it. When i feel bad or sad. Or when something big happens in my life. It's always there. This is my song.
The album's meaning keeps evolving over
It's impossible to pick just one song! I was a freshman in high school when the album came out, which is a transformative time in a person's life, and AB was U2's transformational album. The songs have continuously evolved in their meaning to me over the years. I *LOVE* EVERY SINGLE SONG!!! -Anisha
Until the end of the world
At the end of 1992 the girl I was in love with, died 4 a lymphoma. She was 15, I was 17. We didn't knew it could happen... Until the end of the world sounds EXACTLY like the narration of the last night we spent together: the last time I saw and touch her alive. It's like if I met her just once again after she went, and talked to her about that night, the period, and then my reaction, that day they told me what had happened... The morning of her funeral, before I left home, I found my videorecorder ready to show me a preview of zoo tv broadcast, recorded the night before automatically, from Italian tv. I saw a man saying: "hey you, yes you, my friend, you're here because your interested in the unknown, the mysteryous"... and then Bono appeared singing live "you, you said you'd wait... 'till the end of the world"... next, while his voice screamed, I could see a mother in the ruins with her son in her arms. Everything talked of me, and to me, in that moment. You know,I was used to be a rock singer, I was used to behave like a macho... I'm writing too much... I want to say it semed like an angel sent that song to me through U2, because God knew what was going to happen before it happened. It sounded like a sign, like a caress, like a kiss, like the last speech, like a goodbye, like a promise... I was just 17... If I met Bono, i would tell him this story, and much more. Thank you guys. I love you
A complete Album!
First song I heard was naturally The Fly. As with many U2 albums around that time, the first listen was met with silent trepidation. But after several listens, it grew and the rest is history! For me, this album is the greatest. I love the balance of it....2 fast, one slow, right through the 12 songs. Structure was just brilliant. Can't pick a favourite as I honestly love it all.
Ultra Violet
I was 21 when this came out, and my outlook was sunny and naive, but just beginning to meet people who had a darker outlook on life. I loved this song. I felt as if I could close my eyes and see the song and send light to people in pain. Now that I am older, that song has become like a prayer to my younger spirit because I long for the more joyful outlook I once had.
Can´t pick just one!!
This is so hard...I can´t just pick one of all Achtung Baby´s songs. I have to say that this is not my favorite record but when I hear it can´t help liking it and I don´t even know why...but I think that my favorite song (at least right now) is Ultra Violet (Light my way) it´s so beautiful and when I hear it live...well I don´t have to say that it make me cry.
The Fly - Guitar Solo PLAYED VERY LOUD!!
Guaranteed to peel the paint off of your walls...same can be said for "Until The End Of The World". But the whole alboum is stellar, One, Ultraviolet, So Cruel, Who's e Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Love Is Blindness...I could write an essay on every one...and of course "One".
So Cruel
The most achingly painful lovers lament and yet a hauntingly beautiful song. A song that speaks to me on many levels. There are so many brilliant, clever and incisive couplets in this song that I struggle to think of a greater lyrical achievement by Bono. Add to that, the subdued melodies of the band and you have the best song on the album and one of the best in their canon.
Ultraviolet (Light My Way)
It is so hard to say what "Achtung Baby!" song is more important to me. Until The End Of The World, Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One, Zoo Station, The Fly... all of these songs have a different meaning in that moment of my life, 20 years ago. But there is an outstanding song that (I really don't know why) touches me deep in my soul and spirit. That song is Ultraviolet, and I was lucky enough to have the oportunity to see the band performing it live here in Brazil during the 2nd 360° concert. "Achtung Baby!", in my opinion, is the best U2's album... that's it!
A classic album from start to finish but Acrobat is THE stand out track on an album of stand out tracks. Just listen to the driving guitar work by Edge; Adam's pulsating bass line and the drums.....wow just listen to Larry's drums.......all topped off by Bono's soaring vocals........it doesn't get much better!
Tó Neto
How to chose between your son and daughter? Of course, you don't know how to answer that question. The same to chose a song from one of the best albuns ever made. Specially, the result whem played alive it´s fantastic. Since the brutal start with "Zoo Station", to the finish, with one of the greatest love songs, "Love is blindness". I saw it in Lisbon and it was the greatest show on earth. "WATCH MORE ZOO TV, U2"
Mysterious Ways!
Mysterious ways for me has it all - Powerful, meaningful, clever, dynamic. A song that shouldn't work, but does SO well... So unusual in its composition - Every instrument on its own would sound empty or out of place when played alone, but when they're woven together it creates what is an unmistakable U2 pop song. U2 layering at its best, and I reckon Adams best bass riff. And then there's the Zoo TV Version!
"you asked me to enter, then you made me crawl and I can't keep holding on to what you got, when all you got is hurt" I have literally grown up with U2 and have been blessed to see them live 4 times, but One has been the soundtrack to my life and the only real life relationship I have had; passionate, stormy, rocky, painful, heart wrenching..... it's like the boys are playing and singing to me, for me, always healing my aching heart! I love you guys, Edge, Larry, Adam and Bono! thanks for being the soundtrack to my life, and always taking care of my heart <3
Be4 Now
So Cruel (no doubt)
So Cruel is pure emotional power. It hit me in the gut and the heart as a teenager, and it still does the same today. When I hear the opening piano riff, I'm instantly in a certain place. It is so difficult to pick "one song" from AB...I love the whole thing, but this song is a stand-out.
Which One? All of them.
I remember buying this album when I was 16. I got the vinyl and sat on the bus and read the lyrics and checked the sleeve out. When I got home, the opening sound of Zoo Station blew me away. This record made me play guitar, made me want to be in a band and made me realise what fantastic song writers U2 are. If I had to pick one track it would be Zoo Station, only because it opened the album and set the scene for a wonderful trip.
So Cruel
My favorite on this album, and among my favorites by the band (along with Bad, City of Blinding Light). You can't really go wrong with any of these songs, but to me, none meet the passion in this one.
Tryin' to Throw Your Arms Around the Wor
I love the whole album & its hard for me to single out one song, Tryin' to Throw Your Arms Around the World & Wild Horses stick out to me the most out of the whole album.
Just one...ONE
I was just a kid, and i remember the first time i heard the album, somehere in a friends' basement where we used to escape from class... but i think ONE is the one i'll always have in my heart... and 20 years have passed... and still here i am waiting for the next move...
mysterious ways
I remember waking up and seeing this watery image on MTV with this amazing music, to this day when I hear those opening gutiar riffs I can feel my pulse quicken a bit. "on your knees, boy"
And the hole album.
Until the end of the world
it captures the yin and yang of spiritual life: loving something dearly but denying it for a momentary thrill; desiring obediance but battling against ego (self desire); the spirit agaings the flesh, the music captures the tension and the lyric poetically assures that I am not alone in the push and the pull. So beautifully illustrated on the 360 tour (blew my mind) with The Edge and Bono on those bridges (astounding!) And those regrets (sorrows) as much as I try to bury them they haunt (learn to swim) if I don't surrender them. But in the in end, Grace wins: "I reached out for the one I tried to destroy. You, you said you'd wait till the end of the world." Thank you U2
"The Best is on it's Way"
I am me, you are you2. I have nothing to free; Accept what is expected. You reject me I love your sound sometimes words too. I am here; No one will go further without my strumming of harp. I am not,,,
This records peers
I've already made that horrible selection of picking just one from this work of Genius, but I wanted to add something I should of said at the time, and that is just how good is this album... Well it sits easily with "Sgt Pepper" and "Songs in the Key of Life" to name just a few on a very limited list... Now that is just about the highest praise it's possible to give.. IMHO :)
Alex Mashkunov
Zoo Station the beginning of the wonderf
The whole album is the best. This was the first U2 album I've heard. Every song is perfect (tune, text) and it's impossible to choose one. But the Zoo Station is the first song on the album and it gives the tone to the whole wonderful album. The beginning is awaking and all my girlfriends remember this song more than the others on the album.
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