Which One ?

13 Sep 2011353

Twelve timeless tracks, twenty years old next month. But which is the one song from Achtung Baby that will always have a special place in your life ?

The single releases from the album colonised the airwaves in the early 1990's while tracks like Ultraviolet  and Until The End of the World have become live mainstays.

The Fly will always signal the moment when The Joshua Tree started toppling, Mysterious Ways has that unforgettable groove and One... what else is there to say about One?

But there are twelve tracks on this album and maybe your own Achtung Baby moment is none of these.

Which one song will always make it onto your U2 greatest hits collection - and why does it means so much to you ?

Who does it make you think of? Where were you when you first heard it? What is it about for you...  and why can you never let it go?

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Between the horses of love and lust...
For me it is a dead heat between So Cruel and Even Better than the Real Thing. So Cruel for the lyrics and the empathy I had with them at the time ("her lips say one thing, her movements something else"). But to this day the lyrics have remained amazing and poignant ("he puts his lips to her lips to stop the lie"). For Even Better than the Real Thing not only was it a great track both live and on the album it was also the fact that it made a great dance track as well!...I can still remember hearing the remix in a club for the 1st time and the whole place dancing to it..."to ride down the surface of things"...perfect!
Zoo Station
So good, I named my dog Zoo.
The Fly
It opened the door... and I walked through. "Every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief" Thank you for making a terrific album!!
One has grown as the best song of this record through the years, but back to 1991 I remember I was delighted by this record! Each one of his songs was like to be in a garden with a lot of new wonderful scents!!! But the one who really caught my heart in many different ways back then was Light My Way! To see U2 play the song live in 2nd concert of 360 here in Brazil was a highlight of my whole life! I feel sorry for the ones who had to hear HMTMKMKM instead of Ultra Violet!
It's ALL good
Hard to pick out a stand-out track from an album that is full of gems, but if I had to choose one, it would have to be Ultraviolet...
Achtung Baby itself but....ultraviolet
I remember the first time I listened to the album. I was so anxious to explore the diferent songs. I could not stop to listening de cd. However, for me, at that moment, One and Ultraviolet were so important. In fact, the Ultravilolet track was scratched in my cd. For me, was so special to listen to again this song during 360º tour. Sometimes I feel like i don't know. But songs as Until The end, Acrobat and the Fly are essentials. Thanks to given us a great...songs!!!
Achtung, Baby!
12 Tracks? One Choice? Impossible.
Just One song?
I only have two songs from Achtung Baby that meant to much to me, the very first is Until the end of the world, i remember when i heard it, i was on first years of High School, i fell in love with that album because of that song, I loved that guitar solo! simply amazing! In this tour when they came to my country, Mexico, they played this one and i wept of Joy!...I love everything from this song, the lyrics, the melody, and that feeling! The other song that i love from Achtung Baby, is Acrobat...the lyrics are such powerful, that electric guitar sounds great!...i would like to hear it live, it would be a miracle!...Thanks U2 for making this Album! you are the soundtrack of my life! god bless you :D
It's the one song... this album has songs that represent great and unforgettable moments of my life.... thanks for the 'baby'....
Ultra Violet
Well, it is hard to say and all of them are brilliant but If I have to pick one.......Ultra Violet is the one, it is a brilliant song and in the last tour it sounded amazing. Also this album is the one where my love relationship started with U2 and then I can't stop this bloody disease jajajaja
The Whole Damn Album!
There are many albums that make it impossible to pick one favorite track. Achtung Baby is just such an album. The ambiance of this masterpiece is so rich and vivid that listening to it is like walking into a place I remember. The first time I heard The Fly I thought, "They've done it again." Reinvented themselves and a sound like no other. I think Springsteen said it best when he described U2's music as 'sonic architecture.' I missed the Beatles - thank God I have U2.
Achtung baby lights my way
Unfair question! The whole record is perfect. Except one, so cruel, until the end of the world, who's gonna ride your wild horses, acrobat, love is blindness, even better than the real thing, zoo station, the fly, throwing your arms around the world, nothing can top ULTRA VIOLET.
Are you really trying to ask which one of them have a special place in my heart? Sorry, I guess that all of them have a special place in my heart. It was so great!!! I remember that I cut the songs in two parts, the first one from zoo station to so cruel, and the second part from the fly to love is blindness. Anyway, I think that Adam did an awesome work with the bass. It was a perfect album. I laughed and cried with achtung baby, it simply marked an era, thanks to U2 to mark my life with this record.
Ultra Violet
What an unfair question !!!!! Ultra violet is my real favorite but it may depend on the mood of the day ...one somedays, acrobat some other days ...Your entire life can be in Achtung baby !
This song is was the light bulb haning o
Can't forget when I discovered this song. All of the songs on this album has sets a mood, moods everyone can relate with. Every song on this album is a testament to the creativity of U2. They might have taken a trip into darkness but this was the album that I think really set them apart from a good band into greatness. Ultraviolet...lights my way!
So Cruel
" The powerful lyrics of " So Cruel'' is a vivid work of brilliance. The phrase"he puts his lips to her lips to stop the lies" allows the imagination of the listener to create such a visual picture while the music and words flow through the veins.
Zoo Station Kicks It Off
Achtung Baby is possibly my favorite album of all time. Every single song on their is amazing, thus making it extremely hard to choose. I had to settle on Zoo Station because it is the first song and it really sets the tone for the whole album. Going from The Joshua Tree and the closing song Mothers Of The Disappeared to Zoo Station kicking off Achtung Baby... just brilliant. Nothing like it in rock and roll. Can't say enough good things about Achtung Baby. Thank you U2!
Until the End of the World and Mysteriou
I remember checking out a CD from the library that had to do with a movie soundtrack in '94 or '95. I remember vaguely that the movie was called "Until the End of the World." I could be wrong about that title. Anyway, I believe it had a Peter Gabriel song on it I wanted to hear. But when I heard UTEOTW, that was it! I was mesmerized by the darkness, the deepness and while that CD had some good songs, I was blown away by U2's track. That's when I realized how much they changed since the Joshua Tree, and I reaaalllly liked how their 90's sound grabbed you by the heart and head and kicked your a$$. I remember the first time I heard Mysterious Ways on the radio while driving to work. OMG, the groove and sexiness in that song, Edge's guitar effects were so amazing. I'll never forget it.
Wild Horses
Beautiful lyrics, beautiful melody. Love it every time I hear it. Been a fan since 1985 and it's probably in my top ten. - Sue from Marlborough, CT USA
Sometimes I feel like.. I don't know!!!
Ultraviolet and Zoo Station are my 2 favorite songs of the U2's Achtung Baby, and not only of the band, these are some of my favorite songs of all my music!!! Real masterpieces!!
Love is blindness
I remember when i was a pre teen 12 year old boy, i bought the album in cassette, enter to my dad´s old volkswagen golf and closed the doors. I spent like 5 hours inside the car listening the music that changed my life forever.
It's really, really isn't a fair questi
I think it's the one U2 album that doesn't have defining songs. For me, it's the album as a whole which has been so influential. I actually find it difficult just to listen to one track - it's the flow of the entire thing which makes it truly magnificent.
Achtung Baby - A timeless masterpiece!
"One" was the track that hit me like a steam train. The first time I played it I knew it was special. The CD has some incredible dark tunes that can be turned into love songs. Ultraviolet is my personal pick and I think Bono's performance with the swinging mic on the latest tour is fantastic. Until the End of the World, The Fly, Zoo Station have to be heard live. Achtung Baby is a masterpiece!
I stopped at Zoo Station & never left...
Zoo Station is the intro to this album which means soooo much to me. The first album I listened to, from an old tape player. I remember the place, the time of the year, the people I was with... every details. This is when my fanatism started. Since then, 17 concerts, 13 different cities, heaps of memories & great people met. It is so good to be a fan. People who hasn't got this particular feeling miss out something.
It's hard to chose a single song
There are moments of Achtung Baby that have changed my life. I've always come back to this album and time and time again listen to it like I've never heard it before. Should I have to pick one, End of the World is the stand-out. I've heard it live every time I've seen U2 play and each time I am in awe at how great the song is. A close second is The Fly and then Love is Blindness.
One Love
I'd say One would be my number one choice of all the great songs U2 have. Because it's the one song that caught my attention like never before. I remember scrolling through the cable channels when I was 14. Looking for something to watch but, couldn't really find anything. So, I decided to see what music videos were playing. I turned it to VH1 and this video was already playing. It grabbed me instantly, I've never heard anything like it, something so beautiful! I said to myself, who is this? I've got to know! At the end of the video I found out. Then I went scrambling through my older brothers CD's hoping he had Achtung Baby in there somewhere. Thankfully he did! Now twenty years later, I'm still a big U2 fan. Achtung is still my favorite but, think all their albums are great! I just want to say Thank You U2! for your music and all that you do. Your music has made my good times a whole lot better and my hard times a whole lot easier. Thank You!
All songs are amazing but ONE is the one
It has to be ONE because of how it helped Achtung Baby come about and how it is such a brilliant song. However....I think the whole album is exceptional, every single song. But since you asked me to pick one.......
so cruel
Tryin' to Throw My Arms Arms Around the World and So cruel is a tie for me
One Love
I'd say One would be my number one choice of all the great songs U2 have. Because it's the one song that caught my attention like never before. I remember scrolling through the cable channels when I was 14. Looking for something to watch but, couldn't really find anything. So, I decided to see what music videos were playing. I turned it to VH1 and this video was already playing about halfway through. It grabbed me instantly, I've never heard anything like it, something so beautiful! I said to myself, who is this? I've got to know! At the end of the video I found out. Then I went scrambling through my older brothers CD's hopeing
This record is revolutionary. I remember hearing the opening licks of Zoo Station and knowing immediately that the album was unlike anything I'd heard before. But, while the record is incredible start to finish, the song that will always be my favorite and mean the most to me is "One". I was almost seventeen years old when I got this record and was going through my first battle with an illness that tore my life apart. It was the song "One" that I listened to. The pain, both physical and emotional, that I was experiencing is lyricized in that song. I was watching my body fall apart while watching friendships and relationships topple at the same time because I couldn't live in the world of the normal. I couldn't understand what was happening to me and "One" helped me realize that there are things that we just can't understand or make sense of, no matter how hard we try. I've seen U2 live twice (Popmart in 1997 and 360 in 2009) and am so grateful for these opportunities to hear them perform this song in front of me. It's lyrically and melodically a masterpiece to me.
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