Which One ?

13 Sep 2011353

Twelve timeless tracks, twenty years old next month. But which is the one song from Achtung Baby that will always have a special place in your life ?

The single releases from the album colonised the airwaves in the early 1990's while tracks like Ultraviolet  and Until The End of the World have become live mainstays.

The Fly will always signal the moment when The Joshua Tree started toppling, Mysterious Ways has that unforgettable groove and One... what else is there to say about One?

But there are twelve tracks on this album and maybe your own Achtung Baby moment is none of these.

Which one song will always make it onto your U2 greatest hits collection - and why does it means so much to you ?

Who does it make you think of? Where were you when you first heard it? What is it about for you...  and why can you never let it go?

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It's more than One
In my opinion, it's definitely One. But, there are more all-time classics on Achtung baby... I remember when I first heard Even better than the real thing - I thought the Beatles would have sounded just like that if they were still together making music in the '90s! It's a perfect pop rock song. And I think the video was great too, 'cause it was also innovative at a time... Then Until the end of the world is a big rock piece (two years ago in Zagreb, Croatia, it sounded stronger and better than ever) which still stands the test of time. In the end, how to close the album such as Achtung baby? I believe there's no better song for it than Love is blindness: a very unique U2 song with magical atmosphere. No wonder every gig of Zoo TV tour was closed with it.
The End of the World
Over 20 years, favorites have come and gone from these amazing dozen songs. One is almost perfect in any way imaginable. The Fly has my favorite Bono couplet of all time--"They say the sun is sometimes eclipsed by the moon/You know I don't see you when she walks in the room." But overall, Until the End of the World to me is probably the best song they've ever written. As several have said, the song can work on multiple levels--but I think it works best on the most straightforward, Biblical level. If you're a person of faith, try this perspective the next time you listen to it: picture *yourself* as Judas. You're the one responsible for losing track of the big picture as life gets more and more complicated, and you took the money and spiked the drink. Just after the betrayal, the next thing you'll hear is Edge pouring out all of Judas' anguish and heart-wrenching guilt into that blistering solo. (Aside: when I saw the 360 tour in Atlanta in October 2009, this was my mindset, and that solo was the most beautifully played piece of music I think I've ever heard.) As if that weren't enough, Bono circles back to the dichotomy every Christian faces: my sin put Him there, but as I drown I reach out for the one I tried to destroy. And He says He'll wait until the end of the world. If it doesn't get to you in that context, then it probably never will. As succinct a picture of true faith as has ever been expressed, and as good as anything any theologian has ever penned.
I wasn't even born when Achtung Baby was realesed, but when I whatched U2 Go Home, on elevation tour, and I saw 'one', I knew U2 was going to be part of my life since that day. Edge's solo on this music is something that we, as normal persons can't discribe with normal words. I think angels or gods are capable to say something about it. As we wait for the angels tell us what U2 means in the world, I'll keep listening and loving this blessed boys.
Until the End of the World
I agree with newyorkgsc. Every member of the band makes an amazing contribution to this song. It wasn't until October 16, 2001, in Chicago, that this song would become one of my all time favorite U2 songs. I stood just a few feet away from the heart, and watched the Edge do his earth shattering solo on this song, while Bono coaxed him on. A concert moment that I will never forget! Seen the band 18 times since March of 1985. They are my favorite band, and I can't wait for the re-release of Achtung Baby!
One ultraviolet acrobat ride your wild h
Love is blindness... do I need to say more?
Even better than the real thing!
Its almost impossible to single out one track as i adore every single one of them in their own unique way but back in early nineties, no party was complete to me unless i had danced to even better than the real thing, i still think it is the best dance song ever! and i loved all the different mixes of the song too.Long live achtung baby!!
Love is Blindness
I was a student in Philadelphia and saw them play September 2nd 1992. I was at the back of the stadium, sat very high up, and seeing U2 for the first time. I didn't even know the song but its power and melancholy hit me-the Edge's greatest and most emotional solo which Bono accompanies so movingly and despairingly at the song's emotional climax. Had always liked their music but became a massive fan that day when I got drawn into Love is Blindness.
what were gonna do now its all been said
Definitly Acrobat for me, no comments needed.
So this was the album that got me hooked on U2, been a FANatic ever since. Even Better Than and Mysterious Ways were my first two stand out tracks but Until the End of The World is an awesome live song too! Watch More TV
Actung Baby
The whole album. I can not single one song out. It was truely love at first listen. I can only list a few albums that I instintly loved the whole thing. . .most of which belongs to U2. To claim love of one song over the others is like a betryal to all the other songs. Like claiming that you have a favorite child. I just cant! BTW I NEED those sunglasses!!! I have to have them.. . .
Songs and Hymns...
It's extremely difficult to choose just one. U2 songs are true treasure, real hymns. But I'll take my chances to say that ONE is a song that defines this band. I love U2 discography, and many other songs seams to me so important as ONE. But this is the greatest of all, for all that it means and the power of make you star to think and change your way to live.
Don't let the bastards grind you down
It was a hard decision but I choose Acrobat this master piece "And I must be an acrobat to talk like this and act like that and you can dream so dream out loud" a powerfull lyric and a guitar solo out of space. Still Achtung Baby is one of my favs and all the disc is just perfect.
Ultra Violet
Ultra Violet was amazing the first time I heard it! I LOVED hearing Bono sing "Baby, Baby, Baby...Light my Way!" I SO wanted to light his way (and still do but I'll have to bring my husband with us now and Allie too (ha ha). Best line in a song and I repeat it to my lovely daughters today..."And a woman needs a man, like a fish needs a bicycle". That was SUCH an empowering line back in my college days. Thank you for all of the joy you have brought me through your music U2. YOU have lighted my way over all of these years. God Bless!
Ultra Violet
Is my favorite...
I just love Zoo Station. After the Joshua Tree and R&H, this song just comes in and knocks the socks off you. This song was U2 saying, we're back and we're better. Goodbye America, the boys are back home!!!
Without question: So Cruel
This entire album is amazing, but "So Cruel" (even more than "One" and "Wild Horses") is the song that most blew me away with its lyrics for the last 20 years. It is just a beautiful, beautiful song.
One life with each other, sisters, broth
One is probably my favourite form Achtung Baby. It was either that or Ultraviolet or Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses. Love the album by the way guys, can't wait for the 20th Anniversary!!! :D
I love every song on this album. My obvious choice would be The Fly because it has the greatest Edge solo of all time. But I am choosing Acrobat because it tends to be the most forgotten track on this record, never even played live, yet absolutely brilliant. It truly represents the depth of AB.
So Cruel
Achtung Baby is a beautiful story from track 1 until the end of the cd. But I always will remember the first time I listened to this album. When number 3 came up.....ONE... I found myself crying. I knew than this song was very very special and was going to be a hugh hit!
Not A Fair Question!!
There's really no way someone who really loves U2's music can say that there is ONE great song on Achtung Baby!! I've read many of the comments and the overwhelming majority are saying the same thing. I feel the same way. I think of a stand-out song on the album and think "yea, that's the best" but then realize "oh, wait! There's also this one and this one and this one!!!" I have to say, however, if I HAD to pick only one song it would have to be.......Wild Horses, no wait!!..One!.....no! wait!....Ultraviolet!!.....So Cruel!!....no!wait!!.........you get my point.
Until the End of the World
I just feel that every member of the band were at the top of their game on this particular song and I will never get tired of listening to it. Like all good U2 songs the lyrics seem to work on 2 levels. On the one hand, you can choose to interpret them on just a superficial surface level, but they can also be interpreted in a much deeper spiritual level. Of course, when I first heard the song I naturally assumed that the lyrics were about 2 people's relationship that went badly. Over the years, I read more about the song and when I found out that the song can be interpreted as an argument between Jesus and Judas, that just blew me away. Knowing that, all the small details in the lyrics make perfect sense. I should've known that more often than not Bono's lyrics have something to do with God.
It's Very Simple.........
What did I Want Back then... Champagne even though I only Loved Beer and Shots in the 90's and also "Tryin' to Throw My Arms Arms Around the World" (:-})
There Isn't Just One!
Every single song on this album is essential. Without any one of the songs, it would be incomplete, and with any more songs, it would be too much. This album is best when listened to from beginning to end, because you go through a journey of emotion and musical heaven. Honestly, where would any of us be without Achtung Baby? Where would U2 be without it? No other band has reinvented themselves like U2 did with this album, and that reinvention came with the best work of their career. Can't wait for U2's next Achtung Baby, when they reinvent themselves once again!
Even Better Than The Real Thing
I am 20 years old!!! I was born the year the achtung Baby was born:) I remember the first time I listened to this album was on a sunday night when I was 16 and honestly it took a while to attract me. I thought All That You Can't Leave Behind or How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb were better but sometime later I realized how great it is and now I love it as no other album... I have vivid memories with every song but I love Ultraviolet, Acrobat and Even Better Than The Real Thing the most. I think that the fact of me being 20 years old and still loving an album as old as me is the best proof of how great and timeless is that album. U2, honestly, THANKS!!! without knowing it, in 1991 you made an album that a guy being born the same year will love forever and ever, you gave us the best present ever!!!!
"One" a painful,, but exceptionally well written song. It has to be my favorite and I will always remember hearing it live in Denver this May. The entire album is awesome, however.
One is the best track in the album, but not just because it is the biggest hit, but because is one of the most beautiful lyrics that bono ever wrote. I first heard the album in 2005 when I was 15. I remember thinking "Oh my God! I can't find any bad U2 album!". I'm from Brazil, and I went to the April 13 show in Sao Paulo. It was the gratest night in my life, and to see those 4 guys in flesh and bone was an undescribed feeling. I Still think that they are from another planet....
very difficult decision...truly like picking a favorite child will have to go with Ultraviolet. with the Fly in at a close second.
a story
THE FLY aked the ACROBAT who was standing at ZOO STATIN if he was EVEN BETTER THAN THAN THE REAL THING, to which the ACROBAT replied,"i am ONE man who is TRYING TO THROW HIS ARMS AROUND THE WORLD AND WILL untIll the end of the world,,but I need ULTRAVIOLET to light my way as it has MYSTERIOUS WAYS. the Fly replied.."but WHO WILL RIDE YOUR WILD HORSES?" the ACROBAT replied"ITS SO CRUEL and my LOVE IS BLINDLESS but I will have help from ACHTUNG BABY. .
the thread is ripping the knot is slippi
Love is clockworks And cold steel Fingers too numb to feel Squeeze the handle Blow out the candle Love is blindness
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