'Winter' for Brothers

4 Dec 2009138
To mark the premiere of Jim Sheridan's movie 'Brothers', take a listen to a new U2 track 'Winter' - from the movie soundtrack.

In the film, opening in the US today, a decorated Marine (Tobey Maguire) goes missing overseas. 'His black-sheep younger brother (Jake Gyllenhaal) cares for his wife (Natalie Portman) and children - with consequences that will shake the foundation of the entire family.'

Director Jim Sheridan has been friends - and occasional collaborator - with U2 since their earliest days in music. The band saw a rough cut of 'Brothers' last year and wrote 'Winter' for the film during the recording of 'No Line on the Horizon'. The soundtrack also features another U2 song, 'Bad'.

'Jim's stories have a kind of simplicity, usually, at the plot level and the complexities are in the drawing of the relationships,' Bono tells the LA Times. 'This one though is actually quite a complex plot line. He really went for this one. There are very strong feelings in this. It's a powerful, powerful film.'

Listen to the track... and tell us what you think.


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Love this
I love this song, hope they play it in the next european tours.
Interesting track
I like it, but I agree with the people here, who prefer the Linear version, this one is a bit too quiet for my taste...but then again this is only a snippet and it may grow on listens...
Beautiful would be the word....
and if the movie is the same as the Danish one by the same title.....the song will do so well with it. Oh! siiiiiiiigh....go watch the movie - go listen to the song....
This is another wonderful song, and I can't wait to hear the whole thing. Beautiful work!
Very Nice!
This is a song I can listen to again and again. Very relaxing....especially after a long day at work.
you may want to play the entire song
sounds great, too bad I can't hear the whiole thing.
Not quite, Boys...
I think the song has potential, but it sounds like Bono can't quite get a grasp on the vocal. He sounds very tentative and unsure of the direction in which he wants to go. I think it needs more work.
Winter song
I like the song so far and think it will sound good in the theatre.
is this not what we heard in the anton corbin movie linear ( minute 10:57)....awesome... I thought I had heard it somewhere before and indeed, there it was... .I'm 25 and trying to stay alive its hot as hell like butter on toast.... that movie is so ON with the music.....you know, how some days you're driving or walking through a field and you could just imagine being serenaded by Beethoven...da da da da da da da da da da da da da... or the william tell overture....or maybe a personal horn section( tower of power horns would be my choice).... anyway ..great song at 21, I was born a son; and on that day I knew I could kill. To protect the ones we put bullets in guns....
Get song, love the rawness of the vocals and the simplicity overall.
I really like it and was hoping to hear outside of Linear
jeremy stead
too dreary too slow.nice vocals though
no line on the horizon
I think will.i.am's version of no line on the horizon should be released in the US. b-side of GOYB .. sounds much better then album version .. reconnect a little with the younger generation .. spunkier and cooler
classical ballad
at a first listening the song seems too simple. But the melody is still on my mind after 2 days: emotional singing (even without listening to the lyrics), dreams but image is clear. A classic. (although I'm a massive U2 fan, not all U2 songs are) but this one is pure. Littel bit of Beatles-piano, little bit of opera, little bit of 'staring at the sun' from POP.
As usual, you make music with so much feeling. I love it!
Simply beautiful! I didn't they could make this song better than the original version... and as usual with U2... THEY DID!! AMAZING SONG!
Just wondering..
Why didn't U2 put this nice song on one of the recent cd singles in stead of one of those remixes?
Wow! Sounds like they are reaching back to their beginnings.
not bad at all.
Please more
bring up the acoustic guitar during the chorus. "de-electrify" the drums. awesome.
Great, again
this song is great!!!
Love this!! Bono sounds great! (very "Bono" if that makes any sense.)
The original is way better. I hate when they strip away great songs like the Ground Beneath her Feet. The original was great and I wish they would have put it on the album
We want BOTH versions!!
Will there be an option to download the BOTH versions of "Winter" in the near future? Although i like the new version i have to admit that the Linear version is way better...
really good.very mellow.can,t wait to hear it in full.
Nice BONO version but LINEAR sound more
Linear version is more aligned with the interesting U2 Sound Evolution (Rich in sounds, drums, guitars and bases)
Please finish the original version
I understand why the band would leave this track off from 'No Line on the Horizon' ("White As Snow" is fantastic, by the way), but I hope they finish the vocals/lyrics on the version from the Linear film (it's very Unforgettable Fire-ish, in a good way). This version is a bit too neutered for my tastes.
Good but I like version on 'Linear' bett
I think that the re-worked version is pretty good, but I like the version on "Linear" much better. It is much more powerful I think. Bono's vocals RULE on the 'Linear' version, and so does Edge's guitar. I hope that they put that version on the new album, and leave the re-worked one for 'Brothers' only.
Not for live act!!!
Maybe when you hear the music track has a more solid opinion ... than was shown ,.... I do not see this song being played on the 360 tour, U2 ... but ... the time we get to love whatever is done, this ... very pleasant ... but something is missing!
I like this a lot
And I hope it's successful for the Boys. It doesn't sound like classic U2, but no one else could write a song like this.
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