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News - Adam

01 May, 2014
Adam in Dublin to launch 'Walk In My Shoes' Day.
24 April, 2013
Fancy wearing a pair of Adam's trainers?  Bid online to support Walk In My Shoes.
12 April, 2013
It's Walk In My Shoes day in Ireland and Adam has been stepping out for mental health services for young adults.
08 April, 2013
Ahead of Walk In My Shoes Day, Adam namechecks five bands he's listening to. Which five are you listening to?
14 November, 2012
'From The Ground Up' is the inside story of U2360° and in this exclusive extract we go backstage with Adam.
13 April, 2012
'Suicide takes the lives of more young men in Ireland than road accidents.' Walk in Adam's shoes on April 26th.
18 October, 2011
In Hansa Studios Berlin, for the making of Achtung Baby. So who looked best in high heels, make-up and wig?
23 May, 2011
'I remember hearing the bass on 'Hanging Around' and knowing it was going to be my instrument.' A soundtrack of Adam's life.
13 March, 2011
In the week of Adam's birthday we're thinking bass guitar. Which of the following has got the bass line to die for?
04 August, 2010
On the bass... Adam Clayton.
26 February, 2010
'I bought a £5 acoustic guitar from a junk-shop down Dublin quays and I started learning chords and collecting songs....' Adam's first guitar - latest feature from the U2.com archives, and this one's really early.
09 September, 2009
'There's no room, no space to rent in this town...' Not in Chicago, not on Saturday. Adam's filming on stage during Beautiful Day.
09 September, 2009
Adam's got his flip cam rolling for the latest clip in our Countdown to Saturday night.
07 September, 2009
'You don't get it do ya ?' Or maybe you do, if you were in Glasgow, Scotland last month. And maybe you will if you're in Chicago this Saturday.
06 August, 2009
'If I could only take one thing on tour it would be Irish tea bags.' Interview with Adam in The Observer Magazine.
30 June, 2009
01 day to go. Hold On... hold on tightly...
24 June, 2009
There's more going on under the hood of No Line On The Horizon than you might have realised...
22 May, 2009
Adam with his flip cam, just before showtime on French TV
01 May, 2009
A few weeks back the band headed out to Fes, Morocco, to make a video for the new single, Magnificent . Here's our exclusive behind-the-scenes doco on the shoot.
20 April, 2009
'Four minutes, two minutes, one minute... ' It's showtime in Berlin at last month's Echo Awards, and the flip cam is rolling as the band prepare to hit the stage.
13 March, 2009
His playing on the new record has been getting rave reviews, his video clips for U2.com are must-see and today it's his birthday.
05 March, 2009
Top Ten With Letterman and we learn that 'Even my family ask, 'Are you Adam or Larry?'
10 February, 2009
Edge and Adam were in Berlin tonight for the European premiere of 'It Might Get Loud'. The pair flew in to Germany for the screening of the Davis Guggenheim directed documentary at The Berlinale, one of Europe's major film festivals
14 January, 2009
A new track from the studio... sort of!
01 January, 2009
'I think it's some of the best music we've ever written.' That's Larry, speaking in the new issue of Q, which carries four in-depth interviews in a monster thirty page focus on the new record. Highlights from the interviews which took place at Olympic Studios in London, in the final weeks of recording