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News - Highlights

28 May, 2009

U2 joined Senegalese artist Baaba Maal on stage tonight as part of London's celebrations for Island 50. Baaba and Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens) were sharing the bill at Shepherd's Bush Empire. The band joined Baaba Maal for a version of U2's 0ne to the surprise of the sold out crowd.

22 May, 2009
Adam with his flip cam, just before showtime on French TV
20 May, 2009
Our latest shots from the stage build in Belgium capture the sheer scale of the 360° tour production. Impressive!
20 May, 2009
Just forty days till showtime and maybe you're starting to think what the set list is going to look like.
07 May, 2009
The opening night of the tour in Barcelona is only weeks away so no better time for a reminder of life on the road.
06 May, 2009
Shot in Morocco, directed by Alex Courtes, starring Adam, Larry, Edge and Bono... could only be the video premiere of Magnificent. Enjoy.
05 May, 2009
The new single is Magnificent and it's now on release - along with a series of genius remixes. Take a listen.
01 May, 2009
A few weeks back the band headed out to Fes, Morocco, to make a video for the new single, Magnificent . Here's our exclusive behind-the-scenes doco on the shoot.
20 April, 2009
'Four minutes, two minutes, one minute... ' It's showtime in Berlin at last month's Echo Awards, and the flip cam is rolling as the band prepare to hit the stage.
01 April, 2009
'Only love, only love can leave such a mark.' It's the next single and this live performance in Boston last month was... 'Magnificent'. Video exclusive for U2.com subscribers.
31 March, 2009
Wondered what the title of the new album is about? 'It's an image about the future and wanting to disappear into it...'
30 March, 2009
At the end of a week in New York City the band got up at the crack of dawn to play live for the students of Fordham University.
25 March, 2009
For the new album U2 asked Corbijn not just to take the pictures but also to make a film to accompany 'No Line On The Horizon'. The result is 'Linear'.
24 March, 2009
'It really works.' says Bono, 'It creates this real physical proximity to the crowd.' Rolling Stone on Willie Williams' design for U2 U2 360°.
20 March, 2009
The band are back in Fes, Morocco where they began writing much of No Line on the Horizon. This time they're shooting a video for the upcoming single, Magnificent. Catch our clip.
13 March, 2009
'What a great feeling this last couple of weeks, meeting our audience again...' Video diary from Bono, after a great final night in Boston.
13 March, 2009
A second show for Croke Park has been announced - and details of ticket sales for Dublin, Paris and Nice.
13 March, 2009
His playing on the new record has been getting rave reviews, his video clips for U2.com are must-see and today it's his birthday.
12 March, 2009
It's a beautiful day in Dublin's docklands for the Rolling Stone photo shoot. This is how it happened.
08 March, 2009
In the car on the way to Friday morning's surprise gig, Bono and Edge are talking arrangements with 'the legendary Bob Ezrin'.
07 March, 2009
From Letterman to 'U2 Way', quite a week in New York. And yesterdays gig at Fordham University was a bit special. (more)
06 March, 2009
'Beautiful Day' for the fourth night of the Letterman residency in New York.
06 March, 2009
That's Larry, talking to RTE 2fm DJ Larry Gogan, about the tour. Tune in Sunday to hear the whole interview.
05 March, 2009
'No Line On The Horizon', U2's 12th studio album, is now released worldwide.
04 March, 2009
It's the day the album is released in the US and Bono is driving 'south of Duke Ellington Boulevard and north of Joey Ramone Place..'