Best of... the Noughties?

31 Dec 2009339

It's December 31st 2009, the end of a decade which saw the band release three studio albums.

The 'noughties' for U2 started with All That You Can't Leave Behind in 2000, then came How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb in 2004 and this year came No Line on The Horizon.

Was it a single release that became a global hit or an obscure album track that you think most people still haven't discovered?

Was it a track they've yet to play live or a song that no live show can now be complete without?

Was it something they wrote which doesn't feature on one of the three studio albums? (There's a handful of tracks like this... when you come to think of it.)

Your call. Tell us what was the ONE greatest piece of work the band created during the last decade... and in a couple of sentences tell us why.

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Hard to narrow down....
I think it is hard to narrow down to one specific song. But the songs that stand out to me are; Beautiful Day, Walk On, Miracle Drug, Yahweh, Magnificent, Moment of Surrender and Unknown Caller.
Kite Stuck In A Momment Sometimes you can't make it on your own Moment of Surrender But if i have to choose ONE song, i'll have to say it will be KITE.
Fast Cars
A little nugget of truth was the hidden song on HTDAAB. Fast Cars described the world we live in post 9/11. I watch the nightly news to get to know the enemy.
Moment Of Surrender
Very difficult choice. Nevertheless, Kite, Electrical Storm, Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own, Walk On could be choosed too !
Can anyone really pick just one?
Can you really expect us to pick just one? So cruel... I'm partial to Cedars of Lebanon, maybe because I'm working in Iraq right now. No Line on the Horizon is definitely the best album of the decade, although it took me a while to get used to the changes in style. Looking forward to Best of 2000-2010 :)
The Best
The two best really. Moment and Crumbs!
My Fav's From U2 2000-2009
Miracle Drug (people need to re-discover this) City of Blinding Lights (live version is unreal) Beautiful Day (inspiring) FEZ Being Born (brilliant and very unique) Mercy (B-side that should be on any U2 album) Magnificient (gorgeous song)
Wak on
The love is the important thing in life
Beautiful Day
Very hard to choose among great songs as Vertigo, Yaweh, Walk On, City of Blinding Lights, Breath, Magnificent, Elevation.... I do believe that Beautiful Day will be a soundtrack to many moments of the future. Cheers from Brazil! Play "White as Snow" live! And accoustic!!
the storm
i thing it's electrical storm
Best Songs?
GRACE has beauty and you captured it in a song.
Few best songs
Vertigo, Moment of Surrender, Stuck In A Moment , Kite Magnificent & Elevation!!!!!!!! It's a hard to choose between this great songs! Thanks U2 for them! When I hear those songs I rase up a volume of my radio and forget on world around me!!
Ground Beneath Her Feet
This is a beautiful track that opens gorgeously and then really explodes with some pure Edge guitar power. I always wondered why this never made it on to the U.S. version of ATYCLB.
can't make up my mind
fotofinish between ..kite and fez. pff but also "when I look at the...."and "crumbs" made it difficult for me
stuck in a moment
stuck in a moment is my song for the noughties. i just can't tell how many times this lyric have helped me :) thank you guys
best song
Its so hard to pick just one song there are so many truly beautiful songs with great lyrics. Kite, Moment of Surrender and Love and peace or else. Elevation live is great. But I would really like to hear Fez-reborn live. A magnificent track
the best song could be "kite" or "stuck in a moment", but i think that "in a little while" is even better. I love the version of the concert in Boston in 2001
City of Blinding Lights
Oh you look so beautiful in the city of blindong lights
Hard choice
Sometimes You Can't Make it On Your Own....just a personal favorite but the family favorite is Stuck in a Moment.....
No Line On The Horizon
The Song and also the whole album are magnificent!
Difficult, but has to be 'Kite'
Very very difficult task in a decade which have included all the songs others have listed, plus 'Miracle Drug' ('I was a stranger, you took me in' - what a fantastic line and sentiment!) and also 'Yahweh' an amazing modern psalm, but it still has to be Kite that is at the top of my list from U2 this decade. This song uniquely affects me since my Dad died in 2005, and Edge somehow expressed all of the hurt and loss in those amazing and heartbreaking guitar parts. The live version on Slane can still break me up, though the song also speaks of ongoing hope and not any goodbyes. When I was lucky enough to travel to Sydney for two shows in November 2006, that they played it on both nights made every mile travelled and every penny spent that more worthwhile. This band are utterly incredible to me. I loved the five 360 shows I saw this year, and am looking forward to the six I have booked in 2010, starting in Montreal in July! Happy New Year! Kev.
So many...
I think that from ATYCLB, In a little while is by far the best song!!! From HTDAAB... Yahweh deserves more recognition :P "Take this mouth so quick to criticise, take this mouth, give it a kiss" --> that´s the attitude!!!!! From the last album I´d choose Magnificent! Great lyrics, great music...! so tipically U2!! love it!!! =)=) Happy new year for everyone!! Best wishes from Argentina!!
"I'll go crazy if i don't go crazy tonight" the song that U2 have confirmed once again the best ever !!!!! here writing is marco by the 'Italy, super fan of U2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!helloooooooooooo
Beautiful Day
Don't let it get away...
Too many to choose....
It was the album All that you can't leave behind which introduced me to U2. Since then i've discovred the olde albums, and loved the bandeven more with the release of HTDAAB and NLOTH, but one song which has always stuck with me for more personal reasons is KITE from ATYCLB. This is an amazing song, and since then there have been some which have really equalled this, especially more recently with NO LINE (Breathe anyone?!) What a great decade for U2, and music.
This song is an inspiration to me. This character can breathe because he has access to St. John Divine (God) on the phone. This is in stark contrast to the character in "Cedars of Lebanon" who has a "head like a lit cigarette" because he refuses to return the call to home (God). When I'm feeling down or alone, I remember "I got a love you can't defeat" and there is a "roar that lies on the other side of silence."
I think U2's signature song of this decade is Beautiful Day but for me the best song was Kite.
What Else......
Sometimes You Cant Make it on your Own
This song means a hell of a lot to me as my Mum and Dad loved it and in late 2005 they both passed away. Leaving a great memory of my Da telling me "Bono is a great song writer" indeed this is true and the meaning behind the song makes it all the more masterful.
hard question..
Walk On. City of Blinding Lights Unknown Caller. honorable mention... Xanax and Wine
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