October: Your Three Favourite Tracks

11 Oct 2021141


Arriving in the world on October 12th 1981, the band's second studio album marks its fortieth birthday this month.

When it was remastered a few years back, Edge recalled the period of its writing like this.

'It was obvious to everyone that we were driving with two wheels over the edge of the cliff, and it drew from us, and particularly Bono, a level of creativity that we had not seen before.'
'Like all great rock,' ran the review in the English music title Melody Maker in 1981, 'you feel you must have heard these songs somewhere else - and yet they're unlike any other that you can think of.' 

Producer Steve Lillywhite recalled the record in the band's magazine Propaganda.
''October was the most difficult of the three three records I did with them basically because of the well-chronicled story of Bono losing his lyrics during the American tour. The fact that the first album had a bit of success in America meant that the band toured over there for a long time to do the groundwork. When they came back and it was time to do the second album, nothing was ready!"
Of the eleven songs on the album, some like Gloria and October have always kept a place in the band's live set but if you had to choose only three tracks to keep from October what would they be?

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Still grabs my heart
This album may be one of the most dismissed of the U2 cannon. But it came at a time in my life when I needed exactly what is offered. Searching, groaning and ultimately beating myself to feel the presence of a God who is willing to seek and find me. Yes, this album will always matter to me.
I just want to echo the sentiments from others here. I discovered U2 at age 15 (albeit in 1992). I quickly bought all 7 albums and October was the most strangely moving as I was grappling with what it meant to be Christian. It's the first album I heard that spoke directly to biblical themes, and the melancholy nature of the album really suited my weird internal life (thank God i didn't discover the Smiths at this time!) This was the album I was most likely to listen to in private, with headphones on, and probably cry with. Thank you U2 for being a part of my long faith walk.
October Girl
My husband and I are building a house on a cul-de-sac in Colorado called October Place…that the lot was still available after 25 years and the address matches our first apartment from 28 years ago…and Gloria is my all time favorite song of yours…and we’ll have unobstructed views of the mountains…well, it’s all kind of lining up for us in this October stage of life
Eric Anderson
Special month
October is the birth month for two of my three daughters. For as long as they’ve been around, I’d play October as “their” song. Now that they’re grown, we start each October with a text and a link to the song.
Awesome Album
I became their fan in 1983. I couldn’t get Sunday, Bloody, Sunday & New Year’s Day out of my head. I was hooked from then on. Naturally I purchased their earlier works. Boy was fantastic, but it was October that touched the depths of my soul. And I still feel that to this day. I absolutely love how they mixed rock and Christianity with such fervor. How to pick the top 3 when they all are so creative and powerful? Gloria, Tomorrow & Scarlet, have an “edge”, but honestly, they’re all fantastic. I love you Bono, Edge, Larry & Adam. Forever a fan. ❤️
Just Amazing
I’m kind of wishing we could just get some of that raw sometimes under produced music and sound! Just some simple yet powerful songs that they might have played while practicing in their basement or garage
Tomorrow is larrys favpurite song from the early days And why not? This album is like all u2 albums some fillers but some songs that if you are a true fan you will love and never forget. every album has at least 4 or 5 tracks that are on the soundtrack of your life
I fall down
I have to go with I fall down. Beautiful crescendo and decrescendo through the song. Seems like the first iteration of acrobat, gone, and breathe. The first four measures of Gloria hooked me on U2 and I chose tomorrow for the pained delivery of the lyrics. I could never pick a favorite album, but this is on my desert island top five.
Carly Griffen
Joy & Mourning
Gloria, Rejoice and October provide a mixture of feelings from the emotional spectrum of joy through to mournful melancholy. They touch the soul in different ways, reflecting all that it is to be human.
U2 the soundtrack of my life
Tomorrow, every day sounds in my car going to work!
Some good B side songs came during the October year too.
Scott Cleaver
October 81
This was the album and connection with U2 that lead me to discovering a closer relationship with God and starting to learn about the gospels and scriptures too! And loving connection with the music and relationship with God. Thank you
Changing Times
I love the whole LP. One of the three songs I can’t leave behind from this record is Gloria. The song lifts my spirits every time I hear it. The second is I Threw a Brick Through a Window. This song reminds me to always have blood in your veins. Demonstrate your anger and to rage and rebel against things that are not right. The third song is October. This song has such a melancholy feel. It reminds me of those cool autumn somber days with the breeze blowing through my hair. It just makes stop and think and reflect on your life. The only constant in life is change. No mater how much things can change we go on and on.
2nd best only to War
This album beginning to end is a classic that doesn't get enough credit. There are zero bad songs. I'd say October, whose lyrics are my Sr year high-school year book quote, I threw a brick, which I never ever get tired of hearing to this day and I fall down, followed closely by stranger in a strange land.
Where I came in.
I bought October and Boy together on the day that October came out. I was 21. I’d heard Fire on the radio and remembered that an evening rock show on Captital Radio had played tracks from Boy previously. From there , U2 became my favourite band for years and still like them now.
Tomorrow and October
Tomorrow and October have always been my favourite songs And this album, that I discovered after War, is probably my second favourite after The Unforgettable Fire I am an 80’s girl
Don't Forget Fire!
It's SO tough, but I had Fire, Gloria, and Rejoice. I need the whole album.
My first U2 album
I saw the advert for this album and was stunned at how gorgeous all 4 of them were so I asked for it for Christmas. Shallow I know, but I was 15. I fell in love with them then and I’m delighted that after 40 years we're still together. I’ve seen the lads many times but when I was 16 was like an epiphany. Saw them in 2018 and it was wonderful. My favourite song on October is Tomorrow. It can still make me cry. Second is Gloria because it is triumphant. Third is Fire because they put a fire in me all those years ago. It’s an amazing album that changed me and meant I spent hours tracking down all their vinyl singles which I still have. Thank you lads xxxx
THIS SONG MAKES ME VIBRATE FROM THE FIRST NOTES I have goosebumps, it makes me plunge into my distant memories, when my mother passed away
The end of an era
"Gloria" always brings some strong memories back from my youth in Chania (Crete) where I grew up. It was in a club bar named "Street" and it was the most famous place in town in the old harbor. "Gloria" symbolizes my purest years, my raw passion and the hunger to discover love and life itself. "Gloria" was freedom...
My first U2 Album i ever heard
Este fue mi primer álbum que tuve en mis manos de U2 y a partir de ahí comenzó la afición. Tenía 13 años. Hoy tengo 48 y la afición crece cada día más.
Underrated & Brilliant
40 years on and this is still one of the best Gospel albums. With God songs full of Love, loss, hope and doubt.
The very first song I ever heard from U2 was Gloria. I saw it on MTV soon after our family got cable and was fascinated by their sound. None of my friends knew who they were yet. I heard the guy sacking groceries humming it when I went with my mom to the store. After that , I was hooked and they have remained my favorite band for 39/40 years! I went through 2 cassette tapes of October!
What a album. Tomorrow. Rejoice and October so what’s happening now.
Glória, scarlet and With Shout are the best
It's the first time I heard u2 on the radio & just remember them playing it at a memorable gig in Ipswich
Best Album and most underated
This entire album starts off great, mellows and then ends where it started. Great guitar work and love the memories this brings back.
October Anniversary
Remember when October came out I was in a university campus radio station and into the studio it came!!!
Awesome memories
I think Gloria was the first ‘video’ that I saw. We had to send away to get U2 records haha! I’m trying not to think about the whole ‘40yr thing’ that would make me older than I am lol. ❤️
Gloria, Tomorrow, Fire
Gloria: A unique introduction with the guitar, vocals, and drums. Tomorrow: A haunting piece. The guitar work at the end will make the hair stand up on the back of your neck. Fire: A striking, highly impressionistic piece of music.
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